The bedroom is our little oasis of well-being and the place where we want to relax and unwind after a long day. The motto is often: the bigger, the better. But unfortunately that doesn't always correspond to reality. And then the question comes: How can we optimally design a small bedroom and get the most out of it? Ultimately, we want to make it as comfortable as possible and use every centimeter efficiently. The good news is that with a few clever tips and tricks, even a small room can become a real highlight without having to sacrifice comfort. Which furniture should you choose? How big should the bed be and what wall colors would be best for it?small bedroomsuitable? We'll tell you the answers below!
What furniture should you use to create a small bedroom?
The bedroom is mainly for sleeping and relaxing. If you want to optimally design a smaller bedroom, then you should set priorities and think practically when buying furniture. In order to avoid chaos and so that the room does not appear too cluttered, choosing the right furniture is crucial. These have to be chosen wisely, but we should still like them. Of course, a bed, a wardrobe and a bedside table are among the most basic things that no bedroom should be without. But a king-size bed and a bulky XXL wardrobe would unfortunately be out of place in this case. Multifunctional furniture that combines several pieces of furniture in one is an excellent way to make the most of the available space. For example, you can transform the bed into a comfortable sofa during the day. Wardrobes with sliding doors or open wardrobe systems are also ideal for a small bedroom. To make the room appear tidy, it's best to use simple silhouettes and colors.
Choose the right bed
The bed is without a doubt the most important part and the focal point of every bedroom. To ensure that the room doesn't become too narrow, you should of course choose the right bed. Both the position of the bed and its size have a pretty big impact on how much space you end up with. While singles are best served with a single bed, beds measuring 1.40 x 2.00 meters are ideal for couples. For a small bedroom, bed models that offer additional storage space and are equipped with drawer boxes are also ideal. So that you can climb in calmly, you should ensure that you have around 50-60 centimeters of space to the side when positioning yourself. If this is not possible for some reason, position the bed either in the corner or against the wall and place several pillows on one side. To design a small bedroom, it is best to use simple and minimalist bed models.
Create more storage space in the bedroom
If you need to design a small room, you may be wondering where you could store all your things. Smaller rooms can quickly appear untidy and chaotic, so it's important to make the most practical use of every available centimeter. As already mentioned, beds with storage boxes are ideal for storing clothes or other things that you don't use often. You can store socks, underwear and the like in a small chest of drawers. Open shelves, on the other hand, are perfect for displaying and storing your books and decorations. To create more storage space in the bedroom, the motto is: clean out regularly! You definitely don't need that dress that you bought 2 years ago and have never worn. So it's best to try to sort out your belongings and clothing once in the fall and once in the spring.
Designing a small bedroom: choosing the right wall colors
No matter whether you are designing the living room, the bed or a small bedroom -choosing the right colorsis probably the easiest trick to make any room appear larger. Although dark wall colors are trendy and look elegant, they can quickly appear overwhelming and are therefore rather unsuitable for smaller rooms. Instead, opt for light shades such as beige, white or cream. Soft pastel nuances also have a positive effect and create an inviting and cozy atmosphere. For a modern and exciting touch, you can add individual accents as highlights as desired. However, you should make sure that you stay within one color family and not combine too many different shades together.
Beautify the room with the right decoration
It simply doesn't work without details and pretty decoration! Various home accessories are an excellent way to add character and warmth to the bedroom. However, you shouldn't overload it with too much stuff, otherwise the room will end up looking untidy. A pretty bedspread and pillows in matching colors create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Small decorative items, scented candles or flowers can be wonderfully placed on wall shelves. Or how about a picture or lettering with integrated LED lamps? These are trendy and also make the bedroom appear larger.