Make your own bath tea: Simple recipes that pamper your body and mind!

Winter continues. Fog, snow and low temperatures not only affect our mood, but also put a strain on our body. A relaxing bath in warmth and peace is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. Bathing is actually an ancient therapeutic practice called balneotherapy. The Romans recognized the importance of water therapy and even provided public bathhouses for citizens. Steams, baths and cold water baths are used by Ayurvedic healersdepending on the constitution and predominant doshaused to improve health and promote metabolism and circulation. Almost all ancient cultures prescribe therapeutic bathing rituals using herbs and oils to promote overall well-being and soothe the skin, our body's largest organ. These types of bath products seem to be coming back into fashion at the moment, but in the form of bath tea. Below you will find out what bath tea is and how you can make bath tea bags yourself.

What is bath tea?

Drinking tea can have many health benefits, but tea can also be absorbed topically through the skin and is therefore often referred to as a bath tea. Bath tea bags are so great because you don't have to worry about cleaning up after your bath. Bubble baths, bath bombs, and even herbal bath salts often leave residue that needs to be cleaned up after the bath. With a bath tea bag you can enjoy the relaxing bathing experience and simply remove it as soon as you drain the water. Voila!

By using certain herbs you can enrich your bath water with powerful active ingredients. An herbal bath can increase blood circulation and relax muscles, improving muscle tension and pain. Warm steam can help with nasal congestion and also relieve headaches. A warm bath has even been shown to lower blood pressure, which can improve your mood and reduce stress. Sleep problems? A full bath before going to bed works wonders.

Herbal baths are also suitable for children. Babies don't need a soapy bath every day. Some days a simple relaxing herbal bath and massage is enough. Gentle organic bath herbs like chamomile and calendula can help soothe skin and relax more irritable babies and toddlers.

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Which herbs are best for a bath tea? You can choose a variety of herbs to customize your herbal bath experience depending on your specific needs or preferences. Epsom salt, sea salt, and essential oils are also a nice addition.Here are some easy bath tea ideas:

  • Lavender and rose petals provide relaxation and fill the air with a beautiful floral aroma.
  • Peppermint and rosemary have a refreshing effect and help with tiredness, stress and exhaustion.
  • Lavender, chamomile and peppermint reduce stress and relax body and mind.
  • Dried marigold petals and chamomile flowers soothe and soften the skin. They are great for children, especially if they have irritated skin, insect bites, or diaper rash.
  • Rose petals, lavender flowers, chamomile flowers and marigold petals form a relaxing and nourishing aromatic herbal blend that also supports the lymphatic system.
  • Linden blossoms and lemongrass have a mood-enhancing effect.
  • Eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary refresh and effectively combat muscle and joint pain.
  • Chamomile, lemon balm and lavender ensure a restful sleep.

The bath tea recipe doesn't have to be complicated. A simple blend of dried lavender buds and rose petals collected and dried from your summer garden also makes a great bath tea. You can also buy ready-made dried herbs. Be sure to choose organic products because you don't need pesticides or other unpleasant additives in your bathtub. It is best to use dried herbs within two to four years. If they lose their scent, that's a sign it's time to throw them away.

Bath tea bags are easy to make and store, so you'll always have one on hand when you want a heavenly bath.

First, you will need some XL size paper tea filters. These are particularly practical because the whole thing can be thrown into the compost after use. You can also use a muslin bag, cheesecloth, or even a clean sock that can be reused.

Then put together your herbal mixture. Adjust the quantities accordingly. For a full bath you will need a 100 gram bath tea bag. If desired, add a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil and somethingEpsom saltadded. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and use a spoon to fill the herbs into the tea bags. Seal the tea bags by folding the end down 4-5 times and sealing with a staple.

Hang the bag on the faucet and run hot water through the bag OR place the bath tea bag in the empty tub and fill it halfway with very hot water. Then turn the faucet to cold and continue filling until the water reaches a comfortable temperature. Squeeze the bag to release the aromatic components of the herbs. The bath tea bag can also be used as a “herbal washcloth”.

Bath tea bags as a gift

Herbal bath teas are ideal asGift for teachers, friends and family. They are a great way to say “thank you” or express love and care to someone special. To give the homemade bath tea bags as gifts, pack them in a mason jar and make a tag with instructions for use.

Some important notes:
Despite its many benefits, a warm bath may not be recommended for everyone.

  • Do not use very hot water. The ideal bathing temperature is between 34° and 36° degrees.
  • Bathe for no longer than 15-20 minutes.
  • If you have heart disease or a chronic illness, consult your doctor before starting a new bathing routine.
  • If you are pregnant, discuss herbal baths with your doctor or midwife.
  • Keep some cool drinking water nearby.
  • Even a healthy person may feel dizzy or uncomfortable while bathing. If this happens, get out slowly, rest, and drink some water as you may be dehydrated. If you don't feel better soon, see a doctor.