DIY dream catcher for a peaceful sleep free from nightmares

I have to tell you bluntly: there is a major transformation in the field of textures currently underway! It is so remarkable and so impressive, I am fascinated by it! Let's start with the elaborately embroidered tapestries and move on to the more modern onesDIY-Versions, the texture is on the walls and it's here to stay! Yes, I really hope so! Today I want to give you instructions for oneDIY dream catcherpresent something that is very close to my heart. Personally, I've been dreaming about it since I was 11 years old.

DIY dream catcher – you need:

So here's everything you need to make your own little oneDIY dream catchesr to produce:

– an embroidery hoop of any size you like, really!
Greatfabric – Use whatever you have on hand, such as an old tablecloth
– a variety of balls
– Ribbon, string, yarn, wool or whatever else you have. You can also combine!
– Feathers
– Glue (superglue or a hot glue gun)
- Scissors

DIY dream catcher – feathers and other accessories

If you're a true DIY fan like me, you've probably already realized that you actually already have all the necessary materials for this project at home! Now we want to get started with the DIY dream catcher.

DIY dream catcher – Cut the tip to size

For the DIY dream catcher, cut a piece of lace exactly to the dimensions of your embroidery hoop so that it fits there. This is also a good opportunity for you to choose a specific pattern on the top that will eventually go in the middle.

DIY dream catcher – Attach the lace between the rings

Take apart the two hoops of the embroidery frame and place the lace fabric inside so that it is stretched. Now you can center the pattern you selected for the DIY dream catcher and then pin and pull the outer hoop tightly. Now it's time to cut off the excess lace fabric on the hoop as much as possible.

For the dream catcher, stretch the lace and possibly glue it in place

This might be a good time to use some of the superglue or glue gun for the DIY dream catcher. If you happen to have a slippery fabric, you could use superglue or the glue gun at this moment. This will make your work progress more easily. You will end up with the result shown here:

Decorate dream catchers

Now you can decorate your DIY dream catcher: tie a bow or ribbon, but make sure that all knots on the back of the knitting frame are tight. You can also add some beads on your lace or just leave it as is!

Imagination is required when it comes to DIY dream catchers

This part of your creative work is really fun! Make a big mess! Take out all possible materials! Yes, I’m serious…it’s part of the process of making a DIY dream catcher! Now mix as you please, whatever suits your taste, and really let your creativity come into play here!

Finishing your DIY dream catcher

Dream catcher in detail

Use beads of any kind for the dream catcher

Once you have achieved the look you want, you are already done with your DIY dream catcher. You did it, it definitely wasn't difficult, was it? And don't forget, you can always update this look by adding new beads, feathers, or even a tassel. It's child's play!

The finished DIY dream catcher

Further inspiration for the DIY dream catcher:

Colorful dream catchers

Three-part dream catcher in red and black