Thanksgiving decoration ideas – DIY autumnal jewelry for young and old

Autumn has so many beautiful things to offer, starting with the beautiful natural spectaclediscoloring leavesto plenty of natural materials for crafts and decorations to beautiful festivals such as Halloween and of course Thanksgiving. The harvest festival will be celebrated next weekend and if you really want to get into the autumn mood and get into a festive mood, you can round off the festival with a beautiful Thanksgiving decoration. SuitableDIY and craft ideasare available for both adults and children and today we would like to introduce you to a few Thanksgiving decoration ideas for both versions. Get creative and decorate your home with the children with our Thanksgiving ideas!

DIY Thanksgiving decorations for children and adults

Thanksgiving decoration for children - wreath with felt fruits

This wreath is colorful, includestypical autumn motifsand is also easy to make. Depending on their age, the children can cut out and design the fruits themselves or an adult can prepare them, after which the children simply glue them on. This is how the Thanksgiving decorations are made:

  • cardboard
  • Linen fabric or ribbon
  • Felt in the necessary colors
  • Pencil
  • Felt pens for the details of the fruits
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Yarn

Using a compass or the outline of a bowl of the desired size, draw a circle on the cardboard. Then draw another smaller one with the same center point. If you now cut out the cardboard along both circles, you will get a ring. If this is not stable enough for you, you can glue a second one on. Now wrap the ring with the selected fabric.

Draw fruits, leaves and whatever else comes to mind on the felt and cut them out. You can also print out and cut out templates for this purpose and use them like stencils. We recommend choosing fruits with different colors so that the wreath becomes beautifully colorful. Glue all the fruits to the wreath, tie yarn in the upper area for hanging and the child-friendly Thanksgiving decoration is ready!

Such aDIY KranzCan also be made for Thanksgiving in kindergarten.

Make Thanksgiving table decorations with Styrofoam pumpkins

Ornamental pumpkins are ideal as Thanksgiving decorations, but they don't always have to be the real fruit. Make your own pumpkins by...including Styrofoam ballsand use yarn to help. This project is interesting for both adults and slightly older children. And the best part? You don't have to choose the classic pumpkin colors. If you want something more modern and unusual, the pumpkins can also be made in pink or blue, for example as a Thanksgiving decoration.

  • Styrofoam or foam balls
  • Knife and drill or other tool for piercing a hole
  • Yarn of any color
  • optional darning needle for easier threading
  • stick

First of all, for this Thanksgiving decoration you need to prepare the balls by cutting and perforating them. Since this is a crumbly affair, it's best to tackle it outdoors. Cut two different sized pieces of the ball on two opposite sides. You get, so to speak, straight installation space. Then drill or pierce a hole through the center of the ball. And then you can start designing the pumpkins:

Wrap with yarn

Thread yarn through a darning needle, thread the yarn through the hole and wrap it once around the sides of the balls. When doing this, wrap around the end of the yarn so that it doesn't slip through again. Continue wrapping until the entire ball is covered. You can knot or glue the end of the yarn in an invisible place (e.g. at the bottom of the pumpkin). Then use pliers to cut the stick and insert it into the hole at the top to create the pumpkin stem.

Alternatively, instead of using yarn, you can place linen or other fabric around the pumpkin and insert it into the prepared hole. You can place the finished pumpkins in groups on the table, window, mantel or somewhere else. Many of these pumpkins also look very pretty in a wooden box oron a trayout of.

Coasters with autumn fruits

Numerous types of fruit, vegetables and grains ripen in autumn. After all, that is the reason for the festival. Present such fruitshomemade coastersand make table decorations for Thanksgiving that are truly unique. You need:

  • Wooden discs on which glasses fit
  • Deco pens or Edding in different colors
  • Felt for the bottom in any color
  • Glue or double-sided tape

With the pens you can easily paint any fruit on the wooden discs. This will definitely be a lot of fun, especially for the children. Children who are not yet freepainting and drawingIf you want, you can first sketch out the motifs thinly with a pencil and then simply have them colored in. If you want, you can also write down the name of each fruit. Then cut a circular piece of felt that is smaller in diameter than the respective wooden disc. Then glue the felt to the bottom.

Thanksgiving decorations for adults – Instead of an Easter basket, make a fall basket

A beautiful Thanksgiving decoration can be made so easily! For example, make a Thanksgiving basket! Take a box, which can be made of wood, plastic or even cardboard (how about the shoebox of the last children's shoes, for example?) and cover it in fabric. Linen fabric or burlap, for example, are ideal for an autumnal look, but checked fabrics also decorate many houses in autumn. You can staple the fabric firmly or simply glue it for better hold and depending on the material. The box can then be openedDesign with autumnal natural materials, fill with hay or straw and fruit. A great fruit basket that not only stores your fruit, but also decorates the table at the same time.

Corn cob decoration

If you like crafting with natural materials, you can also use ornamental pumpkins for autumn decorationsUse corn on the cob. The colorful varieties are particularly suitable for decorating with corn cobs, but if you want, you can of course also use the classic yellow ones. You can make a corn garland out of it or tie it into a bouquet for Thanksgiving and then decorate windows, tables or, as in the example above, cupboard doors and display cabinets. You can also get a real Thanksgiving bouquet by combining the corn cobs with flowers. It is best to hang this bouquet up or place it in a transparent vase so that the cobs can be seen.

Or how about a square wreath? To do this, simply stick the pistons on a frame.

Also read:Make your own autumn wreaths with fruit, paper or felt

Thanksgiving craft ideas with corn

Thanksgiving decoration with corn leaves

It's not just the pistons that can be used. You can also make pretty Thanksgiving decorations out of the corn leaves. How about a wreath like this? All you need is a ring (e.g. Styrofoam ring or embroidery frame), which you can then design with the leaves by placing them around the ring and gluing them in place.

Thanksgiving arrangements

Anyautumnal arrangementsare suitable as Thanksgiving decorations, but those that also contain autumn fruits and vegetables are even better. Find a suitable container (e.g. a wooden box, a pretty porcelain or metal bowl, etc.), cut some floral foam, and then place your flowers and fruits in any arrangement you like. You can attach fruits using toothpicks and kebab skewers.

Wheat decoration

As plain as wheat may look, it has a truly wonderful effect when it isused for autumnal decorationsbecomes. Even a simple Thanksgiving bouquet looks simply enchanting and can even stand on its own without a vase. If you also incorporate some autumn flowers or dried flowers in beautiful autumn colors, you will get a really wonderful Thanksgiving decoration that can decorate your table even after the festival.

Thanksgiving decorations – make gnomes for Thanksgiving

You probably remember the elves that are often used as decorations at Christmas time and that we have already introduced to you. Well, you can of course also make such gnomes for autumn with the right fabric colors and patterns and use them to decorate the table or large pumpkins in front of the front door. Just follow one of the instructionsfrom our articleand use warm colors or checked fabrics for an autumnal mood.

Cool Thanksgiving decoration ideas – Pumpkin decorated with flowers

Get oneartificial pumpkinand stick it with real, artificial or dried flowers. You can use simple hot glue for this. In the example, the stem of the artificial pumpkin was cut off and replaced with a real, dried one. If you want your flower pumpkin to look like a real one, you can do that too.

When sticking flowers on the pumpkin, it's best to start with the larger ones. As soon as you have used them up or are satisfied with the amount, use the smaller ones as gap fillers. At the end, there should be no trace of the original surface of the pumpkin. Unless you just want to add a few accents with flowers, which also looks very pretty.

Decorate napkins for the harvest festival

Pumpkin garland made of wool

Make paper table runners for Thanksgiving with children

Pumpkins made from wool yarn