Make your own dog clothing – protection from cold and wind

Fashionable dog fashion labels offer elaborate dog clothing such as dog coats, dog sweaters and dog shirts, which are worn as stylish accessories in the cold season and often cause anything from confusion to ironic smiles. Many people wonder why a dog needs clothing at all when dogs generally cope with the cold better than humans. That's true, but of course every rule has its exceptions. Depending on the breed of dog and how it cares for its coat, it may be necessary to protect the body with clothing depending on the winter temperature. In addition to old and sick dogs who do not exercise enough to counteract the cold with their body temperature, dog breeds that come from southern climes and do not have an undercoat also need appropriate winter protection for their health. Such dog breeds include Maltese, Havanese, Chihuahua, Bolognese, Coton de Tulear, French Bulldog, Bichon Frise and others

In general, think about the functionality of the item of clothing: This should be functional and not restrict the dog's freedom of movement. In any case, you should not leave your puppy outside for too long and keep him active. Dogs can also get infections. Here are a few ideas for making your own dog clothing!

This project itself is actually not as complicated as you might think. First, measure yoursDog as a petfrom the neck to the rump, then the chest circumference, the respective paw distances. Then measure the chest area from the front legs to the neck.

For the pattern you need a large piece of paper or a newspaper on which you can transfer the measurements. In the upper area of ​​the pattern is the neck curve, from which two slopes run off and are reminiscent of a rounded vase shape. These will later form the lower neck area. Draw the measurement of the lower chest area directly – on the side, left and right. Before cutting out the pattern, check that it fits your puppy's measurements. Transfer the cut pattern to a padded fabric.

You can also add additional chest protection. This can later be sewn onto the stomach area of ​​the dog coat and attached to the side with a zipper or Velcro.