In recent years, a topic has become extremely topical around the world and is being discussed everywhere. We talk so often and a lot about saving energy because of the global energy crisis and rising oil and electricity prices. In addition to saving as a purpose, more attention is paid to the quality of life, comfort and improving the indoor climate at home through the new air conditioning systems. Almost every family has an air conditioner for their home, whether in an apartment or a villa. Today we want to explore the ways to save energy when heating and cooling with an air conditioner at home.
Home air conditioner - the best device with energy efficient heating and cooling functions
DieAir conditioning for homeis not a household device that you can simply switch on and then it starts working. TheAir conditioningconsists of two, three and sometimes several different assembled units - aggregates. This requires specific installation and maintenance. Hopefully you can rely on knowledgeable specialists to help you select, install and regularly maintain your air conditioner. This is particularly important for the entire operating process of your air conditioning system. Many catalogs with price lists can help you choose. An important indicator when buying should also be inBTU / hor expressed in watts.
Air conditioning for home - what should you use?BTUunderstand?
Most air conditioners have a capacity that is inBritish Thermal Units(BTU) is measured. So one BTU is the thermal energy required to warm one pound of water (0.45 kg) by one degree Fahrenheit.
What are the opportunities for energy efficiency?
EER (energy efficiency rating) is equal to the ratio of the dedicated cooling power in W compared to the electrical energy consumption in W (watts) in cooling mode. For example, if an air conditioner uses 3520 W in cooling mode and has a 920 W output, the EER = 3.826. A similar coefficient is the Coefficient of Performance (COP), known in German as the performance number. This is again the ratio of cold or Thermal output to the electrical power used. If the EER or COP coefficient is larger, the air conditioner is more energy efficient. At first glance we have the same system, the same heat exchanger, but the energy efficiency ratio is different. Why is this so?-This is so according to the physical properties of the refrigerants, they are not constant over the entire operating temperature range due to the different heat transfer.
Energy efficiency in the European area
Since January 1, 2004, air conditioning systems in the European Union have been divided into different classes according to their energy efficiency. Air conditioners from class A (high energy efficiency) to G (lowest energy efficiency) are now available on the market. The average lifespan of air conditioning systems is within 8 to 10 years. The power consumption for high-performance models (Class A) drops, provided they are operated all year round. An air conditioning system with energy class A for heating during the autumn-winter season is recommended due to lower electricity consumption and lower heating costs.
How to get the best air conditioning performance for longer?
It is often claimed that a less powerful, even cheap model would “work well” because it has a large maximum power and high COP/coefficient of performance. Unfortunately that's not true. Once turned on, the air conditioner strives to operate at its maximum performance in order to reach the temperature we have selected in a very short time and then function in normal operation at 30-40% workload. Only under these conditions will the air conditioning be quiet and efficient. Then you can easily heat your room and enjoy the comfort of the ambience. If you make a compromise and your air conditioner works with low air output, then you run the risk that it will soon fail.
What you need to consider when purchasing
The first thing you need to consider before buying a device is the displayed energy class, which determines the level of energy efficiency. For refrigeration systems, this is the highest grade A++, indicating the most cost-effective level at which the technology has developed. In the European Union, Class A + electrical appliances show that they have 25% higher fuel efficiency than Class A devices and A + + devices each have 50% more. For household appliances that use more consumables, such as washing machines and dishwashers, several classes are provided for energy saving, washing, drying, etc. So the class AA air conditioner is the most affordable appliance for you! The first letter A indicates the energy consumption for cooling, the second – for heating.
Research first, then buy
If you are already determined to buy new high energy household appliances, then really do some good research before you go to the store. The likelihood of purchasing a new electrical device that will currently increase your electricity bill is not small. In principle, almost all major manufacturers are trying to bring Class A products onto the market. The reasons for this are both ecological and economical, as customers are becoming more and more demanding. However, Class A+ or A++ devices are still not in high demand, even though they are more highly efficient. The main reason for this is their higher price. For many people, a few hundred euros are more or less crucial.
DieInverter- Splitsystems
They are very inexpensiveInverter SplitAir conditioning units. Simply put, these are systems that automatically regulate their performance, unlike the usual models in on-off mode. This allows you to easily maintain the temperature you want with lower noise levels and, above all, with energy savings of 25 to 70% compared to traditional air conditioners. TheInverterAir conditioners offer great performance and a much longer lifespan because the power consumption here is reduced when the room temperature is close to the desired one. In this case, the inverter switches to low power so that the temperature remains in the optimal range without unnecessary loss of electricity. TheInverter Split-Systems are infinitely adjustable and therefore a constant temperature can be maintained without major fluctuations in the room.
There are 4 types of inverters – split systems
. 1. The AC – AC (Energy Class B and C)
2 AD – . DC (Energie Class A)
3 DDC – . Digital DC (Class A and A+)
4. DDC Hybrid (Energy Class A+ and A++)
Generally speaking, all kinds of inverters are high-tech products. Here we want to list their advantages again, and these are: a wide range of functions, very low noise, high energy saving, easy temperature control. You could say that an inverter air conditioner is ideal for the home. If you can afford the price, then opt for an inverter air conditioner for your apartment, house or office, you certainly won't regret it!