Plants have a positive effect on both the indoor climate and our mood. Plant pictures offer a cool alternative to theseclassic houseplants in pots. Moss pictures, for example, are among the easiest and most beautiful ideas to care for. They look very decorative and are pretty easy to make. In this article you will learn how to make a moss picture yourself to beautify your living or office space and make it more nature-friendly.
Make a moss picture yourself: What is needed?
No matter where they are used, moss pictures andMoss walls are always a beautiful eye-catcher. They transform any room into a real oasis of well-being and the best thing is that you can make them yourself. This saves a lot of money (because finished moss pictures are anything but inexpensive) and you can have fun at the same time.
Which moss is best suited for a moss picture?
First you should decide whether you want to make an artificial and a real (living) moss picture yourself. Both variants are fine, with the real moss being onemore natural effecthas. The best types of moss for such a project are Iceland moss, forest moss, ball moss, flat moss and star moss.
For indoor use, the moss must be preserved. Although you can preserve moss yourself, we advise against it. On the one hand, depending on the size of the picture, you have to collect a lot of moss, and on the other hand, it can take several days until the moss is ready for crafting. If you still want to try it, you should put the collected moss in a mixture of two parts glycerin and one part denatured alcohol, let it steep for 10-15 minutes and then place it on kitchen paper to dry for a few days.
Which glue for moss pictures?
To make a moss picture yourself, you need a suitable glue. Here you can also choose between a few variants. For example, there are special moss adhesives that were developed for exactly this purpose. However, these are a bit more expensive and can increase the overall price of your DIY project. Instead, you can use hot glue or simple silicone glue.
Tipp:Instead of collecting the necessary materials separately, you can purchase a ready-made DIY kit that contains everything you need. This option may be a bit more expensive, but it saves some time and effort.
What care does a moss picture require?
Because moss pictures are made from preserved moss, they do not require watering, cutting or fertilizing. However, over time some dust may collect on the moss. To remove this, you can simply use a feather duster. If other plant species are used in your moss picture, the maintenance effort will be greater.
Instructions: This is how you can make a moss picture yourself
Necessary materials:
- Photo frame of desired size (or other flat board)
- Moss of your choice (preserved or artificial, flat, round, etc.)
- Glue, e.g. B. Moss glue, hot glue, silicone
- Gloves
- optional: rabbit wire or floral foam
- Set for DIY moss picture
And this is how it works:
Gather all necessary materials and cover the countertop or table to protect the surface. Next, prepare the glue. Hot glue was used in these instructions because it is clear, inexpensive and sticks well to the moss and the back of the frame. Put on gloves to avoid getting green fingertips.
Now you can start designing your image. Do a test run first - place the moss on the frame without gluing it until you get a design you like. Once you have a good idea in mind, you can start crafting your masterpiece. You can even leave the moss pieces from the design phase on the frame and glue them on one at a time.
Pro tip:Try not to stick the moss too tightly, otherwise it will be flattened onto the board. So if you want to make a fluffy moss picture yourself, just press lightly when sticking it on (it will still stick, I promise!).
When you're done crafting, hang your new piece of moss art on the wall or place it on a shelf. You can even make several moss pictures yourself and cover an entire wall with them.
You can embellish your moss picture with some of your favorite succulents by simply gluing them into the moss with hot glue. This design requires a bit of maintenance over time as you will need to mist the succulents occasionally and/or replace them from time to time.
Make your own moss picture without glue
If you don't want to glue the moss, you can instead glue a piece of floral foam into the frame and attach the moss to it with floristry flower pins. To make the design of your moss creation more interesting, you can use twigs, branches or other plants.
Using several elements, a 3D moss image is created that looks good in any room. An important tip: Do not hang your moss artwork in direct sunlight. The sun can bleach the color of the mosses and they will fade over time.
Ideas for DIY moss pictures
Now that you know how to make a beautiful moss painting yourself, you can use the following ideas as inspiration for your own project. You can decide for yourself whether you want onemonochrome image, a colorful creation or a 3D design with multiple elements. We hope you have fun!
Simple moss picture with three types of moss
Transform the moss picture into a real work of art - with stones and branches
Create contrasts with sea glass
Turn an old picture frame into a colorful moss picture
Design a picture wall in a modern and nature-friendly way with moss pictures
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