Transferring a motif to stone – This is how you can put images, writing and photos on any kind of stone

TheMaking your own lucky stonesis currently a popular leisure activity. The painted and designed stones, which are then released somewhere in the wild, can literally travel around the world and put a smile on the faces of those who find them. Although painting is not difficult and the hobbyist does not have to follow any rules but can let his imagination and creativity run wild, many people do not dare to take on the project because they believe they do not have the talent for it. Another technique is also very suitable for this case. You can transfer images, photos, lettering or another motif onto stone. In this article we will show you which technology works.

So that you can transfer an image or motif well, you should choose stones that have a surface that is as smooth as possible. Otherwise you can choose the size and shape yourself. It's not just pebbles and river stones that are suitable for DIY projects where you transfer an image onto stone. Stone slabs can also be used and are simply perfect as a gift idea.

You should also clean the stones well and let them dry before designing. This is the only way that motifs can then stick well. A primer is also recommended, as well as a clear varnish to seal the image when it has been transferred. Mod Podge or other glue for thatNapkin and decoupage techniqueis also necessary. You can ask the craft store for a suitable glue.

Depending on what kind of motif you want to transfer to stone, you will of course also need the motifs. These can be ready-made ones that you can purchase from a craft store specifically for transferring. If you would like to put a photo on the stone, you should also have a computer and printer.

Simple technique with Mod Podge

  • primer
  • matte Mod Podge (or other suitable glue)
  • sponge and water
  • Acrylic spray paint for sealing
  • any motif (in the example, a printed city map)
  • Drucker

After you have cleaned the stones and they are completely dry, you can transfer a motif onto the stone. First apply the primer and let it dry. You print the cards mirror-inverted on regular printer paper using a printer. If you don't have a printer, you can simply have your designs printed out at a copy shop. Now choose any spot on the map and place a stone on it (or on any other motif) and trace the outline of the stone thinly with a pencil. Cut out the motif.

Now coat the stone with Mod Podge and place the cut out design or card (face down) on top. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly. Then hold the stone under running water or use a very damp sponge to soften the paper. Carefully rub the softened paper off the stone and you will notice that the motif has been transferred to the stone. As soon as the stone has dried again, it is best to seal your motif with a varnish and the lucky stone is ready.

Photo transferred from paper to stone

You can also transfer a photo to stone in the same way. However, the photo should not just be printed in mirror image. You also have to reduce it on the computer beforehand so that it fits on the stone. You don't necessarily need a special program for this, as you can also do this image editing in a simple Word document. Then apply Mod Podge (you can find an alternative in the craft store) again to the prepared pebble, after which you can transfer the image to stone, as in the instructions above.

By the way, it's not just an image or photo that can be transferred to stone. You can also try lettering if you want to transfer a motif to stone. In principle, there are no limits to your imagination. If youTransferring writing to stone, you can provide it with personal and personalized messages that aGift of this kindmake it even more beautiful.

Transfer Image to Stone – Free Templates

Below we have prepared some great motifs and lettering that are perfect if you want to transfer a template to stone. Regardless of whether you have transferred a photo onto stone, writings with messages or simple pictures that adorn the stones - the finished piece of jewelry is perfect for giving as a gift. The stones can not only be used to wonderfully decorate the apartment. Alsoin the gardenor flower pot they are used as decoration. We hope you have fun transferring your chosen motif onto stone!

Painting stones – templates

“Hope” lettering – idea for an encouraging gift that brings hope

City map for designing with pebbles and river stones

Print out the red heart for free as a motif idea for stone slabs

Minimalist photo on stone - Bare tree in the snow

Maritimes Muster

Rose to print

Falcon for a self-designed stone

Vintage Zeitung

Heart with headphones for music lovers

Transferring images onto stone using simple technology

Small motifs with modern patterns

Retro signs for effective decorative stones

Make your own decorative stones for the garden with colorful motifs

Black and white mandala

Print photo on stone - Beautiful flower with a retro effect