To make an impressive oneDecoration for the gardenTo make it, you mainly needed your imagination and some materials that you already have in your household. Today we want to share with you an idea on how to create beautiful decorations for your home and garden using pebbles. You already know this from your walks in the park: the beautiful green spaces are in many placesThe stonesurrounded. The latter are different sizes and shapes and that is exactly what sets them apart.
Decoration for the garden with colorful river stones
To make your task easier, we recommend you for garden decorationsmooth stonesto use. In order to realize this idea, you also have to use paints or color spray. What you have to do is first clean the river stones or pebbles and paint imaginative motifs with the paints. If you don't like drawing and painting, you can alternatively spray the stones several times from all sides. It's that simple, isn't it?
To make your garden decoration more colorful and fun, you can attach stickers. There are various ideas that can help you make your garden decoration more interesting.
If you are good enough at creating these decorative stones, you can also make them for your family and friends. They are suitable asgreat gift ideasfor almost every occasion. We hope you enjoy crafting!
Cheap and effective decoration for the garden
Smooth stones painted as shells
Painted river stones - a great gift for family and friends
Imaginative drawing
Let nature inspire you!
Animal and plant motifs are popular for decorating stones
Stones decorated with graphic drawings
Colorful stones decorate the house and garden