Have you always wanted to?Embroider textilesand embellish it, but haven't dared to do it yet because you're a beginner and don't want to ruin your clothes? Then you now have the perfect basis for practicing with the protective masks that we have all had to wear for months. Small motifs are not difficult to embroider, but they make your face mask more beautiful and unique. So if you are looking for embroidery techniques that are simple and therefore suitable for beginners, you have come to the right place. We have found and put together a few nice ideas for you with which you can use the fabric face maskcan design.
Embroider your own fabric face mask
Of course you can also have your face mask embroidered, butHomemade things are always much nicerand you can also be proud of your work afterwards. Especially when it comes to our topic today, you should give it a try. There are super simple motifs that you can add to the fabric with just a few stitches to really enhance the mask. You only need a few things to embroider the fabric face mask:
- Fabric mask
- Stickgarn
- Stitch advantage
- small embroidery frame
- Pencil or washable marker (trick marker)
Embroidery for beginners on the face mask
First, think about what you would like to embroider and where this motif should be located. Since you will be making larger holes in the face mask when embroidering and this will reduce protection, it is recommended to design the motifs on the sides or edges of the mask. The area immediately near the mouth and nose should remain intact.
Then tighten the maskinto the embroidery frameand draw the chosen motif on the fabric face mask. Then cut a longer piece of yarn. Thread it through the embroidery needle and tie a knot at the other end. Always start embroidering from the bottom. This way the node remains hidden. Poke through the fabric anywhere on your design. Pull the thread through until you feel resistance from the knot. A small distance away from this puncture point, pierce the fabric again and pull the thread through.
You decide for yourself how large this distance should be. However, if your motif has a lot of curves, smaller distances are recommended in order to get really round lines. If the distances are too large, the motif will look more angular. You don't need to do anything else for this simple stitch. Continue like this until you have covered the entire traced line with yarn. At the end, tie a knot at the back. Cut the yarn and the first motif is ready.
Learn to embroider – tips and tricks
The variant we presented above is the simplest. You simply embroider along the pre-drawn lines. But you can make really beautiful embroidery with a few additional tools and tricks,that look professional. Below we will show you a few such tricks that you can also use on your cloth face mask.
Embroidery ideas – embroider flowers with a comb
Have yourselffor embroidery flowersIf you think about it, you can, on the one hand, attach it to the cloth face mask as in the instructions above. Another possibility is this one from the picture above. With her, the flower is not fixed to the textiles, but lies loosely on the fabric. This creates a certain 3D effect. All you need is a regular comb and the materials mentioned above and you're ready to go.
Draw stems and leaves and embroider them onto the fabric face mask as described in the instructions above. Now take the comb and hold it at a certain distance from the top of the stem with the teeth pointing upwards. Poke through the fabric from below at the level of the stem. Pass the loose thread between two prongs and then back again, leaving a space between two prongs and letting the thread pass through the next. Push the needle back through the fabric, close to the starting point.
Continue like this, taking the adjacent space each time, until you are happy with the width of your flower. Then you can tie a knot at the back and cut the strands from the comb with scissors. Comb the flower a little more and you're done!
Embroidering leaves – techniques
If you don't just want to embroider flowers on your fabric face mask, but rather a whole flower, you will of course also need leaves. You can get ones like the flower above pretty easily by following the instructions below:
The sheet consists of a few stitches that you simply repeat until the entire sheet is finished. After you have drawn it out, pierce the center of the fabric with the needle from below, pull the thread out to the knot and then pierce it through the tip of the leaf. When you get back to the back, insert the needle through the widest, left-hand point of the sheet. Pass the thread underneath the thread at the tip and then from above to the opposite, i.e. the right side, of the widest point of the leaf.
Then push through the left side again from behind and repeat all the steps until you reach the bottom. By the way, a hole was hidden in the instructions with the sheet.
Pretty embroidery – instructions for a flower with pins
This is followed by another variant with which you can place a flower on yourSewing a face maskor can embroider. In this case, instead of a comb, pins are your tool and provide temporary support when you embroider textiles. This is how it works:
Insert a pin into the desired location on your cloth face mask. Slightly below and to the left, pierce the needle through the fabric from below, pull the thread around the pin and pierce it through the fabric again, but this time to the right and at approximately the same distance as the left puncture. Then push the thread back through the fabric in the middle between the two punctures just below the pin, wrap it around the pin and start “braiding”.
First pass the thread under the first taut thread, then over the middle thread and finally under the second outer thread. Repeat the steps in the other direction, only this time over the first thread, then under the middle thread and again over the last thread. Continue this way until you reach the bottom. Alternate each row: first from the bottom, then from the top. Finally, push the needle through the fabric again, knot the thread on the back and cut it off. The first petal of thepretty floweris finished with it. Once you have embroidered the entire flower onto the fabric face mask, you can remove the pins and lift or bend the petals a little. How to give them an interesting 3D look.
Embroidering roses made easy
Roses seem to have complicated flowers, but they are actually very easy to embroider. The starting motif is a kind of star that you embroider using any number of threads (odd numbers). To do this, pierce from inwards towards the center and not the other way around as usual. The length of these threads also determines the size of your rose. Small groups of, for example, three roses that are different sizes and have different colors look particularly pretty.
You pierce this initial star from the outside in because you then have to continue from the center. From there, wrap the thread in a circle, alternating between passing it first over one thread, then through the bottom, then from above again and so on. Continue in this way until you reach the very outside. The original auxiliary threads should no longer be visible at the end. Then push the thread through the fabric to tie a knot at the back. Cut off the excess thread.
Embroidery motifs – simple heart
Although a heart looks beautiful when only the outline is embroidered, you can also fill it with different patterns. Whether it's just diagonal lines or a grid pattern like this doesn't matter, the pattern makes the heart even more beautiful.
All you have to do is first connect the top and bottom outlines with vertical lines. Start on the left and gradually work your way to the right. Once you have reached the other end, stitch through the fabric again from below and connect the right and left outer lines in the same way, except that you always alternately let the thread run under and then over the vertical threads.
Embroider cherries as motifs for the edge of the fabric face mask
The edges of the protective mask can be wonderfully decorated with cherries like these, which are made with just a few stitches. First pierce the fabric from the back and then again at a small distance. Push the thread back through the mask in the middle of the line thus obtained and bring it back further down. Repeat a second time on the other side.
Then use the red thread to pierce through the fabric at the bottom, wrap the thread around the needle several times and pierce it through the mask fabric again. Repeat with the other cherry and create as many more pairs of cherries as you like.
Decorate a fabric face mask with a dandelion
Find theseDandelion isn't cute too? You get the knots in the same way as the cherries from the instructions above. Poke through the fabric from below, wrap the thread around the needle several times and then stitch it through the fabric again. To get a uniformly round shape, you can draw a circle beforehand to use as a guide when distributing the nodes. The size of the knots (i.e. the dandelion seeds) depends on how often you wrap the thread around the needle. It's best to create multiple sizes.
Once you have distributed the knots, stitch through the center point from below and highlight it with a few stitches (4 rows of thread should be enough, depending on the size of the flower). Then connect this point with a node. Take the needle back to the back, push through the center point again and connect it to the next knot. Continue like this until all nodes are connected to the center point. If you want, you can add a few more nodes above the flower, which will look like seeds flying through the air. Then all that's missing is a stem and one or two leaves.