Is it currently quite humid in your region and uncomfortable for long outdoor activities? Simply save your free afternoon by using fun craft ideas to make your own decorations instead. The window panes and frames in particular seem somehow bare now that all the Christmas decorations are missing. So bring cosiness back into the room by making our ideas for winter decorations for windows and using them to decorate the window areas.
A modern wreath for the window pane
A metal ring and some winter decorations - that's basically all you need to create something like thisan attractive wreathto make winter decorations for windows. You can get really creative and let your imagination run wild. An embroidery frame is also ideal if youprefer to use woodwant.
- Metallring
- Any decorations such as: artificial flowers in green and white or with silver glitter, fairy lights, garlands,beautiful snowflakes
- Blumendraht
- possibly hot glue
- Band
Use the floral wire to tie the individual elements to the ring. You can also attach some individual parts with a hot glue gun. Tie ribbon to the ring to hang the finished window wreath.
This cute winter landscape is easy to make but looks really stunning. You can place them on the windowsill and even illuminate them as you wish, or display them hanging in front of the window. This is what you need for themwinter window decoration:
- Driftwood
- wire
- The Mini-Tooth
- Moos
- small houses, made of cardboard or wood as desired (you can also make your own)
- Stars made of wood, felt, ceramic, craft clay or cardboard (you can make them yourself with a punch)
- Yarn
- Wire pliers and cutters
- Hot glue
- Acrylic paints and brushes
This is how window decorations are made for the winter
- Cut a piece of wire about 1 meter long and shape it into a U-shape or an arch.
- Tie the ends of the bow around the ends of the branch using wire pliers.
- Paint the cottage any color you like and let it dry. If you wish, record details such as window frames, doors, windows, etc.
- Think about where you want to position each element and hot glue them in place.
- Finally, spread tufts of moss here and there, which will help you hide the glue of the other elements.
- Glue yarn to the stars and tie them to the arch wire.
- Stand up the decoration or tie twine to the bow and hang it in front of the window.
Make winter decorations for windows – transparent Christmas tree baubles designed for winter
Don't pack away all the Christmas decorations yet, because you can still use some of them to make beautiful winter decorations for windows. Anything that is neutral in color or in winter colors is suitable, including transparent, fillable Christmas balls. Fill them with fake snow, snowflakes or glitter and hang them on a branch, which you can also decorate with pine cones and pine greens and then hang on the window. They can be made of paper or cotton woolMake snowflakesand also hang on the branch. Even empty, the balls look very attractive, as the example shows.
Also interesting:Homemade decorations with candles and lanterns for January
Simple, purtistic and icy – a semi-transparent lantern
In this model onewinter lanternAlthough it is frosted glass, you can still imitate it using simple means. Simply use tracing paper instead of glass and you'll get the same wintery effect! If you can't find a ready-made metal frame that meets your expectations, you can also build one yourself.
Only use LED candles and under supervision, due to the increased risk of fire caused by the paper!
- Take two metal rings of the same size for the bottom and the top edge.
- Connect them together using a homemade wire mesh. It doesn't have to be perfect as this is just a decoration and you won't be carrying the lantern around.
- Cut a circle out of the parchment paper with the same diameter as the rings to make a base for winter window decorations (optional, the lantern can also be left open at the bottom and simply placed over the candle).
- Cut out a rectangle of parchment paper that is slightly longer than the circumference of the lantern and roll it into a cylinder and glue it together. Place it in the wire rack.
- Now you can form a handle out of wire and tie it to the frame.
- Place the lantern in the window and a large LED candle inside.
How about making and adding another wire lantern as a winter window decoration? The arrangement would also look really great in a group of three (preferably at different heights)!
The classic: snowflakes everywhere on the window
You've probably already come up with the idea yourself, but we would still like to show once again how incredibly romantic and appropriate simple snowflakes are for decorating window panes. Whether made from paper and glued to the window or hung in front of it as garlands, made from wood or other materials or simply by painting the windows with it in winter, the perfect atmosphere is guaranteed with these sweet motifs. You can also make them with the children in winter, so the whole family can enjoy them.
You might also like these winter decoration ideas:Winter decorations with fairy lights: Beautiful craft ideas for January