How to paint clouds on wall? We show 3 simple methods!

Painting clouds on a sky blue wall is a great idea for oneCreative wall design in the bedroom. Clouds invite you to dream and give the room a calming atmosphere. We show you 3 simple techniques with which you can paint clouds on walls! You don't have to be an experienced artist to get the sky under the roof.

Paint clouds on wall with a template

The wall design with stencils is a popular method of decorating the walls in the baby and children's room. You can either buy a finished cloud stencil set or make your own stencils made of coated handicraft. For this you can use the template shown below. Plastic film (e.g. overhead film) or a firmer photo cardboard are also ideal as moisture -resistant stencil material.

Cut out the printed cloud template and transfer it to the handicraft with a pencil. Place the cardboard on a cutting board and use a cutter to carefully cut out the stencil shape from the cardboard. Make sure to leave enough space between the motif and the edges.

You can use a single template or make 3-5 different cloud shapes. If you want to create a uniform cloud pattern on the wall, you may need to make several identical copies of your template.

Now you have to decide how to distribute the clouds on the wall. The wall is most beautiful when the clouds are mixed as with a chessboard pattern. Use a water scale and painting tape to make a grid on the wall. This will ensure that all stencils are always on the same horizontal or vertical level.

Place the finished templates in the desired boxes. To fix stencils on the wall, it is best to use spray adhesive (spray adhesive) and masking tape. It is important to fix the template as tightly as possible on the wall so that the color does not run behind it.

Now the interior of the template is painted with the white color. For all clouds you will probably need a total of 1-2 liters of white latex paint. Fill a clean color tub up to half with latex paint. Then take a small foam color and dip it in the color. Roll slowly and carefully over the template without using too much strength. The color roll must be almost dry. This is very important, because if too much color it could run down the wall.

Carefully remove the template and continue the pattern. Let the first layer dry for 4 hours and apply the second.

After you have applied the second layer and the wall has become even, remove the painting tape and give the final finish in the places that need to be reworked. Complete!

Bring the pattern with stencil technology to the wall

Another option to do thatTo bring patterns onto the wall, instead of a color roll, a custody brush with short, soft bristles must be used. Put some color on a paper plate and dip the brush in. Start dabbing the template inside and then edit the edge area. Always keep the brush vertically to the wall.

You can remove the template as soon as you are finished. Be careful so that the color does not smear. Repeat this process for all other clouds.

Let the latex color dry for at least 12 hours before touching your walls or put your furniture back in place.

Incidentally, clouds don't just look nice on a light blue wall. You can also choose other wall colors such as greige, mint green or yellow as a background. These look timelessly beautiful and are perfect for a gender -neutral baby room.

Paint clouds on wall freehand with a brush

If you want to have fluffy, realistic clouds, you can use a flat brush and paint them freehand. In contrast to stencil clouds, where perfect edges are very important, these clouds look abstract and yet convey reality. Your imagination is in the foreground here!

To paint realistic clouds, you have to get to know the different cloud shapes. Take a look at pictures of the different types of clouds and be inspired by the variety of cloud shapes. There are feather clouds, bunch clouds, rain clouds, storm clouds, sheep clouds, etc. It is also important to decide what effect your cloud wall should have. From what perspective do you look at the clouds? Stand on a high mountain peak and look down into a valley or do you watch the clouds out of an airplane? The better your idea of ​​real clouds is, the better you will be able to display them on the wall. It is important here to concentrate on the game between transparent and opaque and abundance and emptiness.

As a rule of thumb: clouds that are higher in the sky are more builder, while low clouds can look quite transparent.

And now we finally come to the instructions on how to paint clouds with a flat brush on a wall. You need the following materials:
- Blue latex color and color roller
– Flachpinsel
- white acrylic paint

First paint the wall with the desired blue tone. Apply several layers until you get an even color. Let the color dry well.

Now put some of the white acrylic paint on the metal lid of the color socket or use a paper plate as a palette. A flat, medium -sized brush is used in this guide, but you can also get a good result with a round brush. Immerse yourself in the color and dab it on the palette with slightly tapping movements, so that there is little color in the brush.

Start sketching the general shape of your clouds on the wall. For inspiration for your cloud wall, you can choose a cloud landscape from the Internet and copy it. You can distribute your clouds differently on the entire wall. Make sure your furniture is placed in the room. If you paint the clouds on the wall behind the bed, mark the height of the bed head part with a painting tape and use the markings as orientation aids.

Keep the brush vertically and simply knock against the wall with the bristles. Treat everyone as if you were painting a single point on the wall. Due to these fast movements, a gradient effect forms. You have to dab your brushes with your brushes several times. Also leave some “air” between the clouds so that the blue sky is still visible here and there. This is how you create a feeling of depth.

Don't worry about whether the clouds are precise or round enough. They constantly develop in nature, change or dissolve. So at the beginning you just bring the basic contour onto the wall to get an overview of the overall composition.

Now you can give the clouds more structure. Tap the brushes gently against the contours with the brush to make the lines even softer and work out the shape of the clouds a little. This gives their clouds their distinctive, aesthetic appearance.

Use fast, stroking movements to add some texture inside the clouds. Then keep the brush like a pencil and start painting a nice fog effect with gentle circular lines. Move your brush pretty quickly to avoid obvious brush strokes on the wall.

Fan the underside of your clouds to give you a bumpy look. If you want the clouds to look more realistic, take a clean brush and gently paint back and forth along the cloud base. This makes the cloud more transparent and looks like it is getting into the sky. This is a great way to paint hyperrealistic clouds.

When you are finished with your clouds, take a step back and check your work to see if you want to add some details.

Pat clouds on the wall with a sponge

And here is the simplest and maybe the best way to paint really fluffy and totally realistic clouds on a wall. It was shown by the decoration specialist Luz Blanchet on the morning TV show “Hoy” on Mexican television. Cumulus clouds (bunch clouds) were painted here, which have bright white cauliflower heads on the top and are often accompanied by low, roared clouds. So at the top you should saturate the white color and dab down more economically below.

The white acrylic paint is best dabbed with a round yellow paint sponge with this method. Use a paper plate or the lid of the color socket as a palette again. Pat the sponge slightly into the color and make a few rounded shapes on the wall to create the coupling of the cloud. Go down down by making the color appear more transparent. To remove excess color from the sponge, you can dab it on a paper towel so that it is relatively dry. At the bottom, the clouds should fade even more, as if they dissolve. If you are not sure whether you succeed in the light-shadow effect, we recommend that you take a few steps back and look at the work of art from afar.