Onion in the household – its unexpected benefits in everyday life

The onion is not only suitable for...Cook! But what else is it good for? As it turns out, onion is good for more than just cooking. Everyone knows what great flavor it adds to dishes and salads, but it is also beneficial in other areas of the home.

Onion in the household – what it can help with

Many people wouldn't even think of thatOnionfor anything other than preparingTargeteden to use. Surprisingly, the deliciousOnion in the householdsuccessfully present their positive sides in other aspects and here you can find out where.

Deter insects

DieOnion in the householdscares insects away from clothing and skin. You may smell a bit strong when you rub it on your skin, but it's a great solution for a party in the garden.

The onion in the household – Soothing a sore throat

It's not without reason that grandma's recipe says to add pressed onion juice to tea. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps with colds.

Removing splinters

If you place a piece of onion on the area where the splinter is located for 1 to 2 hours, you will be amazed at how soft the skin in that area becomes. This will make removing the splinter easier.

The onion in the household – polishing metals

A raw and chopped onion is mixed with equal parts water. Apply the resulting juice to the surface of metals using a damp cloth as a polishing agent.

Relieve insect bites

Rub the injured area with a piece of onion and you will see how effective it works in such cases. This is because the onion has a strong calming effect.

The onion in the household – cleaning the grill

Garden grill owners may already know this trick, but others might find it interesting to know that rubbing an onion on the grill while it's still hot helps. This makes it easier to clean. Then rub it with a piece of butter, or better yet, bacon and it's ready to use.

scare away ants

If you have a problem with ants in the kitchen, place a few pieces of onion on the floor near the ant hole. The smell of the onions scares them away.

The onion in the household prevents the windshield from freezing

If you often use the car in winter, when the car windows freeze quickly, simply rub them with an onion. It helps remove the ice layer and also prevents new formation in the morning.

It absorbs the smell of colors

If you have just recently painted your apartment or the house inside, the smell is probably still quite suffocating. However, if you are in a hurry to move in, the onion can also help you with this. It neutralizes the smell of damp paint in just one night. To do this, distribute a large amount of onion pieces throughout the room that you have painted and lock the doors.

The onion in the home soothes burns

Even if it sounds unlikely due to its spicy taste, it worksOnion in the householdeffective for burns. This includes both thermal burns and burns from the sun. Don't worry, it won't cause any burning sensation, but quite the opposite. It helps the pain subside more quickly.