Tips on how to stay positive in corona times + 20 encouraging sayings

With all the tragic things that happen in the world as a result of the coronavirus, it now seems to be an unusual time overTo speak optimism and positive things. However, remaining positive is of essential importance for the successful coping with a crisis. In view of the knowledge of psychological research that positive emotions help us to reduce the negative effects of stress, the time has now come more than ever to integrate small moments of happiness into our day. Here are a few practical tips on how to promote positive emotions. See ours tooencouraging sayingsand share your favorite quotes with your friends, relatives, etc.

Enjoy the little moments

Even during theCorona exit lockHave many little moments that you can enjoy: the smell of coffee, the feeling of warm shower on your back and so on. If you pause in these moments to enjoy them instead of simply seeing them as routine, give your brain the chance to process the feeling of pleasure and thus increase the production of serotonin-the well-being hormone that your mood lifts and she calms down.

Strengthen your relationships

For those of us who are in the output lock with the family, there is now the opportunity to spend time with our loved ones. Take the time to hug your children or partners, to look into your eyes, to have long conversations with you. All of these gestures promote the closeness and also free Oxytocin - the cuddly hormone that strengthens bonds and also has a calming effect on their body. If the oxytocin level is increased, sinksCortisol, das Stresshormon.

Find the good in others

This kind of crisis can produce both the worst and best in human nature. Let yourself be cheered up with good news. Philanthropes donate money to scientists to find a remedy. Doctors and medical staff work overtime to help sick patients. People post positive messages on social media. Friends from all over the world shake hands with each other. If we focus our inner attention to these positive and pro-social aspects of the crisis, we are in the hope.

If you concentrate on these three positive sides of the Corona pages, you may be able to change your mindset and remain positive.

If we are responsible for ourmental healthTake over and capture the little moments, it will also help us to go further into the unknown. The effects of positive emotions on the psyche and body are well researched and documented. In fact, positive emotions are an important resource for usDuring the Coronavirus crisis, because you can do a number of things, for example:

- Increase your resilience:If we experience positive emotions after a stressful event, we can get back on our feet faster and have a faster “cardiovascular recreation period”. Our heart rate sinks and our blood pressure stabilizes faster when we stay positive.

Increase your defenses:A study in which people were deliberately infected with the influenza virus and the rhinovirus showed that people with more positive emotions were able to better ward off the symptoms. In this study, people who had little positive emotions suffered 2.9 times more often from a respiratory disease.

  • Think more clearly:The way we feel influences our thinking. Positive emotions promote our skills for problem solving and our judgment, our decision -making, our cognitive flexibility and our creativity. If you stay positive, you and your children can better solve all the little problems that are currently coming to us.

Sunshine follows after each storm. This is your chance toTo strengthen optimismAnd to take responsibility for your mental health so that you can be strengthened from this crisis.