Think positively: sayings that encourage you in view of the coronavirus pandemic

DieCoronavirus Pandemicis spreading more and more and is now raging not just in China, but all over the world. Now is the time to stay home and try to save the lives of the chronically ill and the elderly. However, quarantine at home can be a very stressful situation for many people. Mainly because we exclude ourselves from participating in social life. We have to adapt to a new situation. Families with children have it particularly difficult because the parents often work at home and look after their children at the same time. No wonder many become depressed and panic. But right now we should all think positively. That's why we have put together positive sayings that encourage you. And there is also good news regarding the corona pandemic.

Think positively, because there is also good news

More and more people are getting sick. And according to medical experts, worse things are to come: if everyone doesn't strictly adhere to the government's safety measures, then the number of infected people will continue to rise in the next few weeks. That alone is enough to make you worry about the future. But there is also the uncertainty about what will happen to your own job. The economic uncertainty and the question of whether and how the country will get out of the crisis is troubling many people. But as bad as everything looks now, there is also good news that gives hope:

1. After more than two months, the number of infected people in China appears to be decreasing. There have been no new cases there for a day. Chinese doctors believe that if no further cases are registered in the next 12 days,Coronavirus Pandemicwould already be over in China. Maybe it could soon be over in Europe too?

2. The number of people healed is increasing and is significantly higher than the number of deaths and seriously ill people. This means that we are building herd immunity step by step.

3. The majority of people who get sick feel better after just a week and are immune to the virus, according to the new studies. This means that they cannot become infected a second time.

4. There are many infected people who are symptom-free. However, these people can infect others because they do not even know that they are infected. That's why it also applies to these lucky ones: Stay at home.#stayathome

5. Medical professionals in European countries are generally well prepared to treat pneumonia. You can recognize the symptoms, there are also tests that need to be done. So it's a new disease, but...flu-like symptomsand has complications. Of course, this doesn't mean underestimating the disease, it's better to stay at home and protect yourself as best as possible from infection. But please #don’tpanic.

6. It is true that chronically ill people and older people are at great risk. But there are a lot of people who still survive the virus. As evidence of this is a 103-year-old Chinese woman who was recently discharged from Wuhan Hospital and a 100-year-old Chinese man who was successfully cured despite previous illnesses such as heart failure.

7. The coronavirus pandemic makes you inventive and flexible. Students in some European countries learn online and video consultations with their family doctor are organized on online platforms. These apps and platforms can continue to be used even after the pandemic is over, for example by older patients or people with disabilities.

Think positively: sayings for home office

Working people in particular find it difficult to stay at home (#stayathome). It's not easy, because the hectic everyday life in the office is motivating for most people. If you suddenly have to work in your own home, you cannot properly separate work from your private life. Instead of calling, watch the TV show? Or treat yourself to a longer lunch break. To avoid this you canin the home officecreate a daily structure and set goals.

Think positive: home quarantine

It's not easy to completely change your life. And when you're quarantined at home, you suddenly have a lot of free time. Use the time to rest and recover. Sleep strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight pathogens. It is also important to fill your free time. Stay in touch with family and friends, for example you can Skype. Do exercises daily to keep your body fit.

Spend your free time with the family.Play gamesand enjoy being together. Hopefully a vaccine or an effective drug against coronavirus will be developed soon. Then the parents will go back to work and the children may have to catch up on school material. Back in the hectic pace of everyday life, you won't have much free time. Now is the time to read a new book, take up a new hobby or simply spend more time together.

Think Positive: Sayings for Working Parents

Working parents face a major challenge. Schools and daycare centers are closed. Many employers allow parents to work from home. It's not easy, especially when the child still needs to be cared for around the clock. Special television programs for children, many craft ideas, media libraries and numerous listening programs come to the rescue here. Admittedly, despite all the efforts, working parents will have a much more difficult time.

Think positively: Use the time to set new goals

In hectic everyday life there is hardly any time for self-reflection. Now is the right time to reflect on the past few years. You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I satisfied with my career? What would I change? Maybe you could use the time to take an online course?
  • What would I like to change about my life?
  • What am I grateful for?

Now you can also get in touch with old friends or relatives again. You can also plan trips to other countries or visit museums online. You can organize photos on your computer by date, make collages of family photos, and create lists of nearby travel destinations. Once the coronavirus pandemic is over, you can travel and explore the world again.

Build a relationship with God

Stay at home and don't panic! Your faith can support you in difficult times and help you overcome fear. Yes, there may be a ban on church services in Germany at the moment, but in most cases you can follow church services online. Of course, this cannot replace human closeness to other believers. Especially in difficult times, believers support each other and support each other. But it is also possible to continue building your relationship with God within your own four walls. Religion in itself is positive and gives hope that something better will come again.

Think positively: sayings for grandparents

Grandparents have it particularly difficult: they cannot visit their grandchildren and often feel alone and abandoned. In addition, most grandparents are part of the risk group and are of course afraid of coronavirus infection. Right now you should be in touch with them every day. In most cases, the grandparents can be reached by telephone, but many of them can now also Skype or send messages via cell phone. Encourage them with inspirational quotes.

Think positive: This is what you should avoid

Even if you find it difficult, you should try to critically evaluate the information on the Internet regarding the coronavirus. There is also misinformation that will scare you unnecessarily. Therefore, make your media consumption conscious and it is best to trust official sources of information and news channels. Of course, if you have any further questions, you can also contact your family doctor.

Also interesting: Tips on how to stay positive in Corona times + 20 encouraging sayings