Employment for home - many ideas on how you can use the quarantine period!

The situation with the corona virus is becoming more and more serious every day and many adults and families inevitably have to stay at home and avoid social contacts. Schools, kindergartens, cafes, gyms are closed and visits and excursions are out of the question. Most of them begin to ask themselves what to do with all the time. For all of us, leisure time looks very different - travel, theater, walks or vacation, but unfortunately isThe risk of infection during such a crisistoo big. So how about if we try to make the best of it and use the quarantine period meaningfully? Whether spring cleaning, funny games with the children or something new - in this article you will find many great ideas for employment for home.

Dive, whine and break the head do not bring anything - the Corona virus completely changed life from all of us. Until we can return to normal everyday life, we have toovercome the fearchange our activities and habits and adapt them to the current situation. Except for television or playing games on your cell phone, you can try to deal with time much more sensibly and devote different things and activities that are often neglected.

Employment for home - series and films watch against boredom

Regardless of whether you live alone or are locked up with your family and children at home - series and films are watching the ultimate tip against boredom at home. If you still don't have an account with one of the many streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., then the right time is now to register. Watch all seasons of your favorite series without having guilty conscience? Now make yourself comfortable on the sofa and do it. Or how about a Harry Pother Marathon with the children? Another great alternative to streaming services are YouTube videos. From Dokfilmen to funny videos with dogs - you can find absolutely everything on YouTube.

Tips against boredom - many museums offer an online visit

Unfortunately, it does not look good for many who are interested in culture and art - numerous museums and theaters are closed and most events have been canceled. Have you always dreamed of visiting the Louvre in Paris? Then we have good news for you! Some of the most famous museums worldwide not only offer tours, but also free online tours. In addition to the Louvre, this also includes the NASA Space Center in Houston, the British Museum in London and the MoMA in New York City.

Read books or learn something new

Everyone has them - all of these books that have been in the closet for years and are waiting to wait.Reading is a very popular employment for home, for which you don't even have to leave your bed. If you want to use the quarantine period even more sensibly, you can learn a new language, for example. There are numerous free cell phone apps that can help you. Or read some useful articles on an exciting topic that interests you.

Further ideas and tips against boredom during the quarantine

  • Clean the apartment and muck out -There is hardly a better time to get the apartment up to shape andThe annual early ruinsclose. Use leisure and make all the rooms shine. Clean the window, wash the curtains, tidy up the basement or muck out the wardrobe - a great and sensible pastime, which also has a totally satisfactory and relaxing effect.
  • Craftis another great job for home that ensures a lot of fun. The possibilities here are literally infinite and there is something for everyone. In addition, it was scientifically proven that the handicrafts promote our endurance, ability to concentrate and creativity. They become creative andTinker your spring decorationsyourself or wake up the old furniture by specting them up and refreshing them a little.
  • Wellness at home -How many times have you decided to treat yourself to a relaxed wellness day and yet unfortunately you have never been added? Such a pampering is not only good for the body, but also the soul and is a great way to drive out time at home, especially during the quarantine. Getting bathing water, switching on music, lighting fragrance candles and enjoying a glass of wine - does it not sound fantastic?
  • Home Workout –For everyone who is used to training regularly in the gym or outdoors, it will be difficult to do without it. However, a well -planned home workout can be as effective and exhausting as a visit to the gym. There are countlessFitness exercises at home, for which you don't even need special equipment.
  • Cook -You also have to eat during the quarantine. If you are a hobby cook, you should use the current situation and devote yourself to your passion. Develop your creativity and spoil your family with new and delicious dishes. Let the children peel and cut the vegetables - so they will teach them something useful and at the same time spend a nice time together.
  • Try new hairstyles and make-up looks-Just because they have to work from home does not mean that they have to stay in the pajamas all the time. Try new make-up looks or finally learn how to braid your hair and conjure up great hairstyles. Also a suitable oneHome Office OutfitOur productivity increases and ensures that we also look good in our own four walls.
  • Make tax returns -Yes, it's actually not fun and it is always postponed because it is nicer or more important to do. Even if the tax return only has to be submitted by July 31, why don't you use the time at home and simply get this annoying task behind you?
  • Maintain contacts -How long have you not spoken to your grandma and a friend who lives abroad? In stressful everyday life, we often have no time to keep in touch with our loved ones and now you can catch up with it in peace.
  • Help the neighbors -It is particularly important in crises to stick together and help each other. If you have neighbors who are already old or who cannot get out of the house for lower reasons, then suggest to go shopping for you or do anything else.

Use the quarantine period sensibly

Do you not particularly speak to all of our suggestions or do you still need a few cool and creative ideas for boredom? In the following we have put together a list of further tips for you.

  • Create a list of all concerts, football games and events that you want to visit as soon as the quarantine period is over.
  • Plan your next vacation at peace.
  • Organize your books or spices alphabetically.
  • Learn origami.
  • Try to do things with your non -dominant hand. Be it brushing your teeth, writing or eating - it's incredibly funny.
  • Make a list of things you are grateful for and take your time to think. What did you achieve last year? Or what goals do you set yourself this year?
  • Update your resume.
  • Organize a happy hour at home and mix different cocktails.
  • Read the Harry Potter books alternately with your children and after each book watch the corresponding film.
  • Write a book with your family. Each a chapter about the adventures of its character writes and finally reads it.
  • Take a deep breath and just enjoy boredom for a short moment. Who says we have to do something all the time to feel good and useful?

Great ideas for employment for home with the children

Schools and kindergartens are also closed. For this reason, many parents have to become creative and somehow employ their children at home. Since only playing on the computer is out of the question, we have some great tips against boredom for the whole family for you!

  • Play hide and seekis a great job for home for families who live in a large house.
  • Treasure hunt -Hide an object. Let the child find him.
  • Craftis an excellent way to employ the children for a few hours.
  • Organize concert -Everyone disguises themselves as their favorite singer and starts singing and dancing. The good mood is simply guaranteed!
  • The floor is lava -Everyone has to move so that they do not stir the ground. Although this game will cause some disorder in the apartment, it is still funny.
  • Play roles -If your children are big enough, try to change roles for a day or for a few hours. In other words- they are the children who cause disorder, etc. and the children take on their tasks and have to prepare the lunch or dinner. A great job for home to show the children that being parent is not so easy.
  • Play of taste-connect the children's eyes, cut different food into small pieces and let them guess what they eat.
  • Organize film evening
  • Craft
  • Grind
  • Color eggs - soon it will be Easter after all
  • Bake the cakes and cookies together
  • Play board games
  • Make a pillow battle
  • Puzzle
  • Let the children's room tidy up