Many people resort to peeling to combat skin imperfections. Old skin is removed and the pores are cleaned. In this way, the complexion is refined and a more youthful look is automatically created. Today we would like to introduce you to a special type of peeling that you may have heard of before. What is meant is the so-called fruit acid peeling. In this article you will find out what this type of peeling is, as well as its effect and how you can make fruit acid peeling yourself.
What is fruit acid peeling?
As the name suggests, the peeling uses fruit acid, which occurs naturally in fruit and other products. For example, citric, lactic and malic acid are suitable for peeling. It is best to have the peeling carried out by a dermatologist or a beautician. The aim is todepending on the treatmentto scrape off a certain layer of the skin, so to speak, in order to stimulate skin renewal.
The effect of the fruit acid peeling is targeted fordifferent typesused for skin problems. It relieves inflammation in acne and also partially reduces acne scars, which is why peeling is often used in such cases. Like all peelings, the fruit acid peeling also helps with blackheads and large pores, but can also help with pigment spots and a dull complexion. The fruit acid peeling is often used to combat smaller wrinkles and achieve a younger appearance.
How often will it be?applied?
When it comes to fruit acid peeling, a single treatment is far from enough. You can often see a difference after the first treatment. However, this doesn't last long. Regardless of whether you choose a professional peeling or do the fruit acid peeling yourself, the procedure should be repeated several times.
When isof thatnot recommended?
The peeling is not suitable for people with very sensitive skin. Even if fruit acid is a natural product, it should not be forgotten that it is an acid that can irritate the skin and, in severe cases, even burn it. You should also avoid this type of peeling if you have pigmentation disorders or if your skin tends to form scars quickly. If you have an allergy to one of the ingredients, are currently battling the herpes virus or have another open wound on your skin, it is not advisable to use fruit acid peeling and especially if you want to make the fruit acid peeling yourself.
Fruit acid peeling toohomedo it Yourself
As already mentioned, a professional peel is preferable to a homemade one. Two acids are often combined there. Nevertheless, there are products for fruit acid peeling at home that can be purchased from the pharmacy that are cheaper than professional treatment and are therefore often preferred. If you want to try peeling yourself, be sure to choose a product with itlowest possible acidity. You can increase this at any time afterwards if you don't notice any problems with your skin. Of course you can make fruit acid peeling yourself with the right recipes.
We would like to introduce you to some variants below. It is important that the applied peeling does not burn the skin. However, if this is the case, quark is only applied to the burning area of skin after you have washed the peeling off thoroughly with lukewarm water. Quark has a calming effect. So you should always provide it when you do the fruit acid peeling yourself. Finally, treat the skin with an unscented cream to avoid irritation. However, it is normal for your skin to tingle during treatment.
Make your own lemon peeling
You need the lemon juice for pimples andother skin imperfections, you would like to make your own fruit acid peeling with lemon. Dip a cotton pad into this juice and then sprinkle some sugar on it. Alternatively, salt can also be used. Then rub the lemon-sugar mixture onto the skin in circular motions. Do not apply too much pressure, but proceed carefully. After all, you don't want to rub the skin raw.
have an exfoliating effectletor not?
The fruit acid should not remain on the skin for too long, especially during the first few treatments. Instead, wash it again straight away. Over time, the peeling is allowed to work for a while, but this should never exceed 3 minutes. If you do the fruit acid peeling yourself, proceed with caution. Ultimately, you want to improve your skin's appearance and not make it worse.
Recipewith kiwi and potato against acne
This is a good recipe for acne because kiwi contains a large amount of acid that can make scars disappear. The potato is meant to dilute this acid. If you want to make this fruit acid peeling yourself, mix a tablespoon of pulp from a ripe kiwi with a tablespoon of grated potato using a hand blender. Then use your fingers to apply the peeling to the skin in circular movements. Wash off the peeling and moisturize the skin with a mild moisturizer.
Facial peelingDo it yourself to combat wrinkles
For this recipe you will need 3 tablespoons of seedless papaya pulp and 3 tablespoons of pineapple pulp. Process the pulp into a puree using a hand blender, then add 2 tablespoons of gelatin and a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything together well and heat the scrub in the microwave on low power for a maximum of one minute. The gelatin should dissolve like this. Then put it in the fridge so that the gelatine sets slightly. Apply the scrub, wash it off and finish with a mild moisturizer.
InstructionsagainstPigment and age spots
For this recipe for making your own fruit acid peeling, you will again need a lemon. The juice of half a lemon is sufficient. Use a cotton pad to spread the juice on the skin, then massage it with your fingers to work the juice into the skin. Then wash off the juice thoroughly and apply a moisturizer to the skin.
Face maskwith yogurt and fruit acid
If you make this mask yourself, you can leave it on for up to 20 minutes. Mix half a cup of natural yogurt with a teaspoon of lemon juice and the juice of half a grapefruit and spread the mask generously over your face and possibly also your neck. After the exposure time, wash off the mask and apply a cream. The mask can be used once or twice a week. The mask makes the skin softer and smoother, unclogs pores and protects against skin aging.
FIDENfor peeling with fruit acid from apples
If you want to make this fruit acid peeling yourself, cut an unpeeled and seedless sour apple into pieces and process it into a puree. Add a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice and, if desired, a tablespoon of sour cream or cream curd. Apply the mask and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. If you have oily skin, you can leave out the honey.
Body scrubwith apple
If you would like to make your own peeling for the whole body, you will need three sour, pureed apples, 5 tablespoons of cornstarch and 3 tablespoons of honey. As with the face mask, everything is mixed together and then applied to the body, where the peeling should take effect for 15 minutes. Wash off the scrub in the shower and apply a moisturizer to your body. Honey is again unnecessary for oily skin.
body andFacial carefor beautiful skin
The recipes are not only suitable for the face, but also if you want to make a body peeling yourself. Since the masks contain a lower amount of acid or are diluted by quark and other products, they can stay on the skin for longer. However, if you feel a stronger burning sensation instead of a tingling sensation, stop the treatment immediately.
Fruit acid peeling– Before and after pictures
You can see a clear difference in the skin in this before and after picture. While there were spots on the face before, the results after the treatments are finer and smoother skin. To achieve the best effect, the procedure is recommended to be carried out by an expert. You can also make a fruit acid peeling yourself and try it out.
Acne scarsreduce
In this picture you can see that the acne scars that were clearly visible at the beginning are much weaker after the treatments. This proves that with the right treatment, the skin itself can be freed from scars. This requires a deep peeling that you cannot and should not do at home by making fruit acid peeling yourself. Consult a dermatologist or beautician for advice.