Interesting facts about body hair (and depilation) that almost nobody knows

Body hair - a topic that split the minds. Some love them, others prefer to get rid of them immediately. But did you know that our hair tells an amazing story? Here you can find out exciting facts about body hair and why you are not just a relic of evolution.

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Why do we still have body hair?

Our ancestors originally had a dense fur to protect themselves from cold and sunlight. In the course of evolution, however, it became less and less - but it didn't want to disappear completely. Why? Because hair still has a protective function!Eyebrows and eyelashesProtect our sensitive eyes from sweat, dust and foreign bodies.Armpit and pubic hairminimize friction when walking and running whileArm and leg hairprovides minimal protection against insect bites.

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The three hair types of our body

People have three different types of hair that differ in structure, function and growth:

  • Terminalhaare: This hair is thick, pigmented and long. You will find yourself on your head, in the eyebrows and in men also in the beard area.
  • Androgenes hair: A special form of terminal hair that grows on the body due to the influence of androgens (male hormones such as testosterone). These hair is located on the arms, legs, the chest and in the pubic area.
  • Vterushaare: These fine, almost invisible hair cover most of the skin. They serve the temperature regulation and protect the skin.

Most body hair begin as a vellus hair. With puberty, the hair structure changes due to rising hormone levels, especially androgens. In certain areas, the fine vellus hairs are converted into thicker, pigmented terminal hair. This process is often more intense in men than in women, since they have a higher concentration of testosterone.

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Hairy statistics: How many hair do we actually have?

The density of the hair vary from body region to body region:

  • Head (blond): approx. 150,000 hair
  • Head (brown): approx. 110,000 hair
  • Head (black): approx. 100,000 hair
  • Head (red): approx. 90,000 hair
  • Total body hair: approx. 25,000 hair
  • Ey brows: approx. 600 hair
  • Eyelashes: approx. 420 hair

Blonde peopleSo have the most scalp hair, but mostly less body hair. Interesting balance, right?

Why don't body hair grow endlessly like scalp hair?

Our hair growth follows solid cycles. While scalp hair has a growth phase (anagen phase) of several years, it is often only a few months in body hair. For example, leg hair fails after about two, armpit hair after around six months. Then they grow again. This explains why her eyelashes never grow to the chin - luckily!

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Interesting fact:The laser hair removal is based on theAnagenphaseplanned because the hair reacts most sensitively to the treatment in this growth phase. Since not all hair follicles are in the anagen phase at the same timeSeveral sessions at a distance of 6-10 weeksRequired to grasp as many hair as possible in the optimal growth phase.

How fast does body hair really grow?It depends on the spot! According to research, the hair grows differently quickly in different regions:

  • Bart: approx. 2.8 mm per week (no wonder that many men go for a razor every day!)
  • Head hair: about 2.5 mm per week
  • Armpit hair: approx. 2.1 mm per week
  • Pubic hair: approx. 1.4 mm to 2.73 mm per week
  • Arm and femoral hair: 1.4 - 1.5 mm per week
  • Eyebrow: 1.1 mm per week

Why do some people hardly have body hair?

Play hereGenes and hormonesa big role. The amount and density of body hair isindividually. In addition, hormones influence such asTestosteroneThe hair growth. People with higher testosterone levels usually have onedenser and stronger hair, especially men. Women whose hormone balance changes through menopause or hormonal fluctuations can suddenly get more or less hair in certain places.

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Also theOrigininfluences the hair growth. Due to their genetic origin, certain population groups tend to become stronger body hair. People from southern Europe, the Middle East and some indigenous groups of Australia tend to have a denser hair. In contrast, East Asians, especially people of Chinese or Japanese descent, usually have lower body hair.

Will body hair be less in old age?

The natural aging process influences many aspects of our body - and body hair is also not spared. An interesting generation comparison by Philips shows significant differences in the depilatory habits and hair even between young girls (18–24 years) and middle -aged women (45–54 years).

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Young generation (18–24 years): more hair, more effort

  • Depilatory frequency:1x a week
  • Hair growth:Neither a lot nor little body hair
  • Time required:Can up to1 hourper depilatory session
  • Frequent depilatory zones:Axles, intimate area and legs
  • ERSTES MALN ENTHUNG:Between12 and 15 years

Young people generally have a more active hair growth phase. Due to the hormonal influences of puberty, body hair is often denser and grows faster, which is why regular depilation becomes necessary.

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Older generation (45–54 years): Less hair, less effort

  • Depilatory frequency:Also1x a week
  • Hair growth:In totalLess body hair
  • Time required:Reduceup to 10 minutes
  • Frequent depilatory zones:Axles and legs
  • ERSTES MALN ENTHUNG:MostlyBetween 15 and 18 years,36 % only over 18

The hair density decreases with increasing age, especially on the legs and armpits. This is due to lower hormone production - in particular a decline inEstrogen and testosteroneThe oneControl hair growth. As a result, body hair grows more slowly, are often finer and require less depilation.

A relativeObesity on androgens(male sex hormones), however, can lead to increased hair growth in places such as the face, the armpits, the chest and the pubic area. At the same time, the hair growth decreases on the scalp. This transformation from Vellus to terminal hair is a typical effect of the hormonal change and can be perceived as unwanted in many women.

And now Tacheles: Are body hair unsanitary?

This is one of themost stubborn myths. Body hair is itselfnotunhygienic.Smell arises from bacteria, not through the hair itself. However, hair can be sweat and smellssave longer, which is why regular washing is important.

Hardly anyone talks about it, but yes: alsoAss hair is completely normalAnd every person has it! On the cheeks, in the fold or both. Does the pobe hair have a purpose? Possibly. Like other body hair, it may have been used by our ancestors to protect or temperature regulation. Some researchers suspect that PO hairs have remained simply because there was no evolutionary pressure to lose them. Nowadays, modern people decide to remove them, be it for hygienic or aesthetic reasons-with various methods such as shaving, waxing or permanent laser hair removal. More about the topic "Ass hair - normal or unsanitary”You can read here.


OneStatista survey (2020)showed:

  • 49 % feel hairless skin as a hygienic.
  • 33 % feel more feminine without body hair.
  • 21 % find an armpit and leg hair gross.

OnePhilips studyfound that 61 % of women find hairy men sexy - as long as the hairdo not grow on the back. When it comes to men's port, armpits and genital area are number 1 on the women's wish list.

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Conclusion: hair makes sense, but everyone decides themselves!

Whether you celebrate natural hair or prefer to prefer smooth skin is up to you. It is important that you feel comfortable in your skin - whether with or without hair!


  • Statista: Survey among women on motivation for depilation (2020)
  • Statista: growth of the hair at different parts of the body
  • Statista: Number of hair at different parts of the body
  • Gynecological endocrinology, issue 4/2023 - Menopause and its effects on skin and hair
  • Philips infographic for body hair in women (2020)
  • Body Hair Types & Functions
  • Why humans have butt hair