Beautiful, healthy and flawless skin – what woman doesn’t want that? In order to look as fresh and young as possible, we spend a lot of money on care products and constantly try different cosmetic treatments. Is your skin feeling irritated and dry lately? Unfortunately, flaky skin on the face is not uncommon and many women suffer from it. The dry areas are particularly difficult to cover up and often cause severe itching. So what are the most common causes of flaky facial skin? What could you do about it and are there home remedies that help against flaky skin on your face? We'll tell you all of this and other helpful tips about facial care in our article!
Flaky skin on the face doesn't look particularly nice and our self-confidence often suffers as a result. But in order to treat the problem properly, you must first understand the causes.
- Disturbed process of skin renewal– Our skin renews itself every 28 days. New skin cells are created in the lowest layer of skin, which push the ones above them upwards. At the same time, dried and dead skin cells are also shed. But with increasing age, this process becomes increasingly slow and if skin renewal is disrupted, flaky skin on the face can occur.
- Advancing age– Over the years, not only does our hair change, but the skin's oil production also gradually decreases. As a result, the face feels drier and dull and flaky patches form.
- Genetic predisposition– There are people who have naturally dry or oily skin. If you are one of the first, then you know that dry skin needs rich care.
- High temperatures and low humidity– The excessive sweating and dry air in summer are also a common cause of flaky facial skin. Low humidity and strong winds also dry the skin and make the face brittle.
- The wrong diet– We are what we eat. In addition to promoting acne and pimples, malnutrition, a vitamin deficiency and an unhealthy style can lead to flaky patches on the face.
- Hard water– Does your skin feel dry despite perfect care? Then it's probably not your fault, but rather the water in your area. Hard water that is too rich in calcium and magnesium can actually worsen various skin diseases and dry out our facial skin.
Symptoms of flaky facial skin
Flaky skin on the face is often temporary or seasonal in nature and, fortunately, can be treated quite easily. Signs and symptoms can vary greatly depending on age, lifestyle, skin tone and health status. Scaly patches on the face are usually accompanied by small cracks, dry facial skin and red spots. Here is a brief overview of the most common symptoms of flaky facial skin:
- Skin bumps
- Minor skin bleeding
- swelling
- The skin feels and looks rough
- Severe itching
- Feeling of tension
- Skin inflammations
What helps against flaky skin on the face?
As already mentioned, flaky areas on the face are easy to treat and, with proper care, are gone after a few weeks. But if you're confused by the long lists of ingredients on the cream packaging, certain home remedies and tricks might be worth trying. Below, discover how to combat flaky patches on your face.
Don't shower for too long
We all know that hot water damages our hair structure. Well, this logically also applies to our skin. Long showers and water that is too hot remove the skin's natural oils and make it brittle and dull. To avoid flaky patches on your face, keep the bathing time to a maximum of 10 minutes and always use lukewarm, not hot, water.
Use gentle cleaning agents
Scaly patches on the face may indicate an allergic reaction to certain chemicals, fragrances, and dyes. Unfortunately, most care products on the market are often full of chemicals that are bad for the skin. If you have flaky facial skin, always use natural and fragrance-free cleansers that provide your skin with plenty of moisture. Products with stearic acid (contained in shea butter) or linoleic acid (contained in argan oil) contribute significantly to improving the complexion and making our face beautifully supple. After cleansing your skin, apply an oil-based moisturizer with sunscreen. Even if youbrown quicklyIf you want to, it is recommended to use creams with a high sun protection factor at least twice a day.
Olive oil for flaky skin on the face
Olive oil is perhaps one of the most effective home remedies for flaky skinSkin on the face, which everyone in the house is making. It provides the skin with plenty of moisture and is also an excellent natural facial cleanser. To do this, rub some olive oil on your face and place a warm towel over it until it cools completely. Then rinse off the excess olive oil with lukewarm water. A peeling made from olive oil and sugar is also a real miracle weapon against flaky areas on the face. To do this, mix 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil with 50 grams of granulated sugar and rub the peeling gently onto the skin. Wash off well and apply a moisturizer.
Oatmeal peeling for dry facial skin
Oatmeal not only tastes delicious for breakfast, but can also help against dry patches on the face. For a homemade peeling, mix 2-3 tablespoons of fine oat flakes with 20-30 grams of honey and a dash of water. Rub the scrub onto the skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.
Also read:Natural beauty tricks with honey for skin and hair