Lemon for skin and hair: The incredible benefits of this citrus fruit juice in the beauty sector

Where exactly the world's first lemon tree grew remains a mystery to this day. But what's very important is this: Lemons have always been a secret beauty remedy used by women all over the world - in ancient Greece, India, China and the Arabian Peninsula. Lemon has incredible antibacterial and antiseptic properties that...Skin and hair healthsupport financially. Below we will tell you why lemon is so important for skin and hair. Stay up to date on beauty by trying our beauty hacks.

Lemon for skin and hair – magical effects

Lemon contains a variety of nutrients and plant compounds such as alpha hydroxy acid, which removes dead skin cells while forming new cells. Lemon's valuable nutrients include vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, which help improve skin and hair health.

Treats dry skin

Lemon juice is good for moisturizing dry skin. The wealth of essential nutrients nourishes dry skin and makes it naturally radiant. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and honey, apply to dry skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse the “mask” well with warm water to leave your skin supple and radiant.

Also read:Natural beauty tricks with honey for skin and hair

Tightening skin: made easy with the anti-aging properties of lemon

Lemon has powerful anti-aging properties that promote youthful skin. It also lifts the skin. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production, fights free radicals that promote skin aging, andthe facial skin tightensso that it remains elastic. Spray lemon water on your face to tone and firm your skin.

The antioxidants contained in lemon juice repair the skin and slow down the aging process. You can easily massage away wrinkles using lemon juice. The alpha hydroxy acid contained in lemon works wonders, making the skin more radiant and eliminating fine lines, blemishes and wrinkles.

Lemon can lighten skin

Lemon juice is a great natural bleaching agent that has amazing skin lightening properties. The citric acid visibly lightens your skin tone a few shades. The good vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and lighten suntans. It also has exfoliating properties that help remove dead cells and naturally brighten the skin.

Simply soak a cotton ball in diluted lemon juice and apply it all over your face. Do this twice a day to brighten your skin. If you want to lighten dry skin, you should do it every other day to avoid drying it out.

* Our tip: lemon juice and baking powder – a good combination

When applied to the skin, lemon juice can reduce wrinkles, fade scars, and brighten skin. The grainy texture of baking soda acts like an exfoliator that cleanses the pores. When you mix these two ingredients together, you get an easy, homemade scrub that has the power of multiple products.

Lemon for skin and hair: beauty helper against acne

Lemon is an incredibly effective ingredient for acne face masks. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that allow it to fight and kill acne-causing germs and bacteria, both in the body and outside the skin.

When you apply a diluted lemon to your skin, it begins to dry and tighten. This reduces large pores on the surface of the skin and regulates sebum production, preventing oily skin, blackheads, whiteheads and acne!

Cleansing Lemon Drink: Drink a glass of filtered water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey in the morning to clear acne by cleansing your body. You can also use a facial scrub to combat acne. What you need:

  • 30 g freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 30g water
  • 65 g oatmeal (which acts as a scrub)
  • 1/2 tbsp honey (to soften the skin)

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Massage into face for 30 seconds. Rinse with warm water.

Support hair health with lemons

Lemon juice for dry scalp and dandruff

This citrus fruit is known throughout the beauty sector. We've already mentioned some of its benefits, but there are more reasons why lemon is good for skin and hair.

Lemon juice is rich in essential nutrients that promote hair health and growth. It can strengthen the hair follicles andthe growth of hairstimulate. The acidity of lemon juice helps balance the pH of the hair, preventing dandruff from forming. Massage the scalp of your hair with lemon juice and rinse well with water. Do this regularly to treat dry scalp and dandruff.

Other benefit of lemon – eliminates oily scalp and hair

Just like oily skin, lemons help oily scalps by contracting hair follicles. This prevents excessive secretion of sebum on the scalp and hair. Soak a cotton ball in lemon water and apply to the entire scalp. Make a lemon water hair conditioner by squeezing a lemon in 2 cups of filtered water. Rinse your hair with this solution while showering to reduce an oily scalp and hair.

Lemon lightens hair

The women of the Italian Renaissance only lightened their hair with lemon juice. Lemons have natural bleaching properties caused by the high concentration of citric acid and can really lighten hair. If this is really possible, then how do you do it? Not only is it cheaper and more natural than chemical hair colors, but it's also easier.

Add lemon juice to a spray bottle and dilute it with water. Spray the mixture onto the sections of hair you want to lighten until damp. Sit in the sun for one to two hours. When the time is up, wash the lemon juice out of the hair and use a deep conditioner.