Everyone has heard the terms before. Ombré and Balayage are among the most popular effects for hair colors and that is no wonder, as they promptly transform the mane into a real eye -catcher with a well -kept look. However, some people ask themselves what the difference between the two variants is. We would like to explain that in this article. Find out the typical properties and the advantages and disadvantages of the Ombré and the Balayage Technik, as well as which hair dye is the better. Then you can certainly better decide which of them the better one for you and can make up the next hairdresser appointment. Prepare yourself for summer!
The ombré look (means something like “shadow”) is known as theBALAYAGE-EFEKT. This is a dark approach that gradually merges into bright tips. The dark part extends approximately up to the ears. In principle, this look is intended to remind surf girls whose hair tips have been natural and due to the sun, so to speak. Ombré can be colored any hair color from black to brown and red to blond. The ombré is colored with strands, which do not start directly at the approach. In principle, the highlight look serves as the transition. The tips, on the other hand, dye them in the bright color.
The great thing about thisType of hair coloris that she can really wear every lady, because neither face shape, nor skin color or haircut and hairstyle influence the look. This is also another reason why the hair with a transition is so popular. Although a gentle transition is to be created, in which the two main colors are not too different, there are now a wide variety of variants with strong contrasts and also aber -rupture transitions or where the top is light and the tips darker (reverse ombré). Finally, everyone has their own taste and preferably different looks, so that every rule can be broken when it comes to styling.
If you want to refresh your look without straining your whole hair with hair dye, it is best to use this coloring technique. The basic tone can serve your own hair color, while only the lower area receives a new one. However, if your own color is not dark enough, you can of course also color the approach dark.
There are also happy to experiment with bright colors. So blonde hair often goes into a pastel pink or gray tones are used. But these are daring looks that are not for everyone on the one hand and, on the other hand, do not arrive well everywhere. There are jobs where there are certain requirements for the exterior and noticeable hair colors are not desirable. So think about it before coloring.
The advantages
- versatile and peppy; Creates a summer look
- Suitable for every hair type
- Suitable for every hair color
- can also be colored successfully yourself
- Your own hair color does not have to be colored and the hair is less stressed
- The reeling is less common (every three to four months) than with very colored hair; Only the tips are colored, the approach coloring every few weeks is eliminated
Disadvantages of hair coloring technology
- Like all hair colors and techniques, this also strains the hair
- Remodeling independently often problematic and hairdresser necessary
- time -consuming and sometimes also expensive care, otherwise stressed tips look neglected
- If you want to get rid of the Ombré look again, you should plan a very long period of time; A new uniform color can be mixed by the hairdresser, but a difference will always be seen in the light; Ombré get rid of when the color has grown out
- Ombré hair can also grow out and look so neglected; Regular re -dyeing is important
Ombré ideas in different colors
Gray is without question a trend color and that applies even to the hair. The gray hair has long been no longer considered unattractive, but on the contrary, even in young women, the first choice is more and more important when it comes to a new look. With the Ombré, this comes into its own particularly well and should best be combined with a black approach, as it better fits the gray tone. Alternatively, a dark gray shade for the top head can also be chosen, while the tips are of course brighter.
Red is no less popular. However, this color can be found less frequently because it does not stand for everyone or seems simply daring for some. In principle, the principle is the same as with the classic ombré look: a darker nuance merges into a blond tone. However, this can also have a red stitch with red Ombré hair. The transition automatically becomes slightly orange, so that a combination of three hair colors is in principle.
Colorful and peppy hair colors such as the example at the top with purple, pink and pink are a variant for brave women and without questioning an eye -catcher. Due to the visible contrast between the colors in the ombré styling, you can work wonderfully with each other very different colors and create an extravant look. Pastel pink is particularly popular if it should be a little more subtle. The same also applies to pastel blue or green.
There are black hair colors that have a purple shimmer in the light. But many now find that boring. The ombré design with a black top head and an even transition to the strikingly purple tips of hair would be much more interesting, don't you? As you can see, the variants are numerous and can be individually chosen and combined. A consultation with the hairdresser is still recommended to find the right one for your type.
What is the Balayage technology?
A uniform transition is also created for the so -called Balayage. However, finer highlights are designed that make it particularly fine. Now this type of torque technology should not be confused with the classic, in which the highlights are created with the help of aluminum foil in which the strands are wrapped. Instead, the highlight is stained and with a brush. Here, too, they start at about the ears of the ears.
In addition, the lighter color is not only colored. There is also a brown tone, which also contributes to a finer transition. In addition to the natural hair color, it is not just a second, brighter color like the ombré. At least one more tone is added. The so -called Tiger Hair is very popular. It is a mix of brown, gold and bronze. These highlights of the hair make you look more brilliant, which comes into its own, especially in the light and in the sun.
Incidentally, the stylings are not new streak techniques. It has been used in France for some time and is also very popular there. The name of the coloring technique is also French and means something like “sweep”, which is an allusion in the way the color is applied. The Balayage technology can also be implemented with different hair colors and thus also adorn any hair splendor. So you decide whether you just want to spice up your own hair color or put together a completely new color mix with highlights. If you have brunette hair, you can insert a gold glimmer, for example, or put red -writer with copper while a simple blonde with a few brown tones spiced up can be. Even if you color your hair in a completely new color, you get a more interesting look with the Balayage Technology than if you only choose the new brown or blond tone.
This look can certainly be worn with smooth hair. However, since this also looks kissed by the sun, a casual wave look is even more suitable. The regular use of the curling bar strains the hair that is already contaminated by the coloring, but is also associated with more time for styling.
It is also worth mentioning that certain areas can be highlighted on the face. For example, if the cheekbones are to be emphasized, the lighter nuances at their height are incorporated into the hair and thus serve to underline them. In contrast, the darker nuances in turn ensure that certain areas on the face appear narrower. You can experience such things from your hairdresser in the salon. It can give you tips on the best color shades for hair with balayage and wonderfully assess the perfect color combination.
The reverse variant has also reached the Balayage technology. The idea is the same as with the Revers Ombré. Instead of starting with a dark color, which then turns into bright highlights, the approach has a bright color, which then becomes darker in the tips. If you have dark hair by nature, this brings the advantage that you do not have to dye the sensitive hair tips extra and often. However, an approach is quickly created that must be colored.
In principle, the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques match. Only the end look differs. In addition to the ProS and Contras already mentioned above, the following can also be mentioned:
- can create volume and, vice versa, also reduce
- is suitable for every type
- A finer transition between the two main colors
- lets your eyes shine and the skin shine
- Charming facial features can be emphasized and flaws are hidden
- The hairdresser creates the best effect; Experiments at home rarely guarantee success and are not a good alternative to the Balayage at the hairdresser
- The coloring is associated with time and money
- More time to style is necessary, because it looks best with waves
Hairstyle ideas with Balayage
Although ultra -thin and fine highlights are the special license plate on the look, there are also variants as in the example above, where wide strands are used. However, an interesting mix of several nuances arises. Only the natural effect is lost. However, if you do not attach value to it, this styling is just as suitable.
If you want the Balayage styling in red color, it is best to choose red nuances and leave out the blonde that is used in the ombré styling. The possibilities are different and more or less suitable depending on the type. You can discuss with your hairdresser whether the difference between the brightest and darkest nuance should be larger or rather smaller. Copper and bronze are super -suitable accent colors that can be combined with red or a pile base. A red hair color can also be wonderfully combined with brown tones. Let yourself be advised to really achieve the effect you want with the Balayage technology.
And if you thought that bright colors were only something for the Ombré look and that the Balayage technology does not come into its own, they are wrong. A nice effect can also be created in pink with the fine highlights. Not only different pink nuances can be combined (or blue, green, purple, etc.). The color can also be used for both brunettes and blonde hair.
The difference between Ombré and Balayage explained
Since both the advantages and disadvantages in both techniques are largely the same and the coloring technique itself does not differ too much, the question also arises as to what the difference between the two is. It is that the two colors in the Ombré are well distinguished from each other despite the even transition. Depending on the look, there is a certain contrast.
With the Balayage technology, on the other hand, it is worked so finely that there is only a subtle difference between the different shades of color, which can also be more than just two. A contrasting look is not striving for, instead the fineness is the desired result that ensures a more natural look.
Which coloring technology and which styling is better?
Since both advantages and disadvantages are largely the same, it is difficult to say which is the better variant of the two coloring techniques. Depending on which colors are selected, both are more and less harmful to the hair. In the end, however, it depends on what effect you want to achieve when it comes to finding the “better” technology. If you want to create a special eye -catcher with a great contrast between light and dark, you are more likely to choose Ombré. If you are on a natural look, how it can arise from the sun, you prefer the Balayage technology.
Care colored hair
Note that lightening hair is very stressful. Perfect care is therefore mandatory and should consist of a hair treatment at least once a week. Since the tips still dry out with regular coloring, they must also be cut regularly. You will receive additional protection from so -called top fluids. They prevent split off and breaking the hair.