You've probably thought about curling your hair at some point, especially if you don't have natural waves or curls. Those big, gorgeous curls are definitely something that many people want to achieve for their hair. The fact is that using traditional styling tools like straighteners and curling irons almost always damages your hair. Is there a way to curl overnight without damaging your hair? Luckily for you, the answer is yes. Make a good impression on others with your healthy hair by trying one of the following heat-free curling methods!
Braid long or short hair and go to bed
This is one of the easiest ways to get loose curls in your hair. Take a shower just before bed and make sure to towel dry your hair. Thereafterbraid the hairrelaxed. When you wake up, take your hair out of the braids and separate the curls by combing or brushing them with a wide-tooth comb or brush.
Braid your hair as close to your head as possible so you don't wake up with a huge volume of straight hair.
Curls overnight without curlers - straw method for small or large curls
The straw method is an excellent choice if you want more compact and defined curls but are hesitant to use a heat styling tool on your hair.
After you wash your hair, towel dry it - your hair should be between 70 and 80 percent dry. Now take a straw, position it as close to the scalp as possible and start wrapping a small piece of your hair around the straw. The sections you use for the curls should be as small as possible. If you want big curls, you should use thicker straws. Once you reach the ends of your hair, secure the hair to the straw with a bobby pin to prevent it from falling out. Continue doing this until all of your hair is wrapped. When you take out the straws in the morning, you will notice that your hair has beautiful, bouncy curls.
Make your own beautiful curls overnight with a hair band
You can easily curl your hair while you sleep with a regular hair band. This method creates more loose waves than tight curls. Simply take a hair band and put it on like you normally would. Take small sections of your hair and wrap them several times depending on your hair lengththe hair band. When you wake up, remove the hair band from your hair and comb it through with your fingers. This will help you separate the curls in your hair.
How to make curls without heat – T-shirt method
This technique is somewhat similar to the hairband technique, but the resulting curls are often much more sweeping and ring-shaped than the gentle waves of the hairband method. Take a t-shirt and twist it so that it becomes a rope by twisting it on itself. Connect the two ends of the rope with a hair tie. You should wear it on your head. Then, starting from the front, pull up a section of hair and wrap it around the t-shirt.
After wrapping everything up, you should wait for the hair to dry before removing the shirt.
Overnight curls – twists for short hair
You can do twists with a piece of toilet paper, a pipe cleaner, or even clean facial tissues. Because of the amount of work involved, this method is best suited to shorter and thinner hair, otherwise you risk becoming overwhelmed very quickly. Simply take a tiny section of your hair and wrap it in the twist material starting from the bottom so that it is completely enclosed. Once you have reached the height where you want your curl to start, you should tie the twist in place. Repeat this process all over your hair. Either let the hair air dry or use a blow dryer with the heat setting turned off to dry it. Untangle any twists and separate the curls by running your fingers through them. With this method you can do anydesired hairstylecreate, from very tight curls to much looser waves.
Getting curly hair with socks
Another creative way to achieve the goal is to take an old sock, cut off the tip, and roll the rest of the sock into a bun. But first, pull your hair into a high ponytail and secure it with a hair tie.
After making the sock bun, take your ponytail and pull it through the hole, creating a large bun. Hold the position in place with a few bobby pins. Leave the bun resting all night and the next morning you can undo it to get beautiful waves.