Care tips for gray hair – With the right products and home remedies, your silver mane becomes a real eye-catcher

Gray hair is a fact of life for everyone after a certain age. Some have no problem with it, others dislike this condition and try to combat it with suitable cosmetics. In this article we will show you our top care tips for gray hair. This way your hair can shine in new splendor again!

How does gray hair actually come about?

At what point in life the first gray hairs appear and to what extent they increase is very individual. As a guideline, experts give the age limit of 40 years, when you start to turn gray. It has been proven that the activity of melanocytes decreases during this time. These are responsible for the production of melanin, which produces the pigments that give hair and skin a certain color. The loss of hair pigment can be attributed to various causes on a case-by-case basis. These include, for example, family predispositions, genetic defects, hormonal imbalances, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies as well as psychological stress disorders.

To be more precise, the hair does not turn gray, but white. The appearance of gray hair is mainly caused by some hairs turning white and others retaining their pigment. The result is the appearance of gray hair.

Properly care for gray hair

Since many people view gray hair as a flaw and believe it makes them look older, it is important to use proper care.

Intensive tint or coloring?

You can achieve a lot with a nourishing intensive tint if your hair's gray content is around 30 percent. If the proportion of gray is higher, you should use coloring. This is the only way to guarantee thorough gray coverage.

If you don't always want to color your hair, there is another option. You can also make the transition to gray hair with a well-qualified hairdresser. This is done by the hairdresser choosing a slightly lighter base color and theMulti-strand approachcovers. After a few months, the hair is completely highlighted and the highlights are slowly reduced. This makes the natural hair color more visible. Depending on the length of the hair, this process is lengthy, so customers don't always have the patience for the end result.

Natural home remedies for gray hair

Gray hair is the result of everyone's natural aging process. It is worth mentioning that hair has new needs in every phase of life. Moisture, shine, suppleness and color strength are lost over time. A natural home remedy to counteract this would be, for example, to rinse your gray hair with a little lemon juice or chamomile tea. This is extremely gentle care. As a result, the effect of these home remedies is rather light and subtle. To protect your gray hair, you should avoid hot blow-drying, frequent washing and straightening.

Silver shampoo against yellow tint

Over time, gray hair can turn yellowish. The so-called yellow cast appears. Why it arises is not clearly understood. It is believed to be caused by nicotine, sunlight, chlorine, as well as the side effects of certain medications.

To neutralize the yellow cast, we recommend using so-called silver shampoos and conditioners that contain blue pigments. The gray ends up looking silvery and has a subtle, cool undertone. It is important not to use such products too often, otherwise you risk a blue or purple shimmer.

Adequate moisturizing treatments

As a result of the aging process, the hair loses, apart from the dyes, its density, elasticity, volume and moisture content. This makes them appear brittle, flat and weak. We therefore recommend that you keep your hair sufficiently moisturized. Shampoos, conditioners and also special masks are suitable for this. Our tip is to use ones with high keratin and silk protein content. Both provide the gray hair with a lot of moisture. This gives them fullness, suppleness and firmness again. The extra portion of moisture also gives the hair more shine.

A heat protection spray is always included

Styling products such as hairdryers, straighteners and curling irons also spice up gray hair, but at the same time remove moisture. As a result, gray hair can become even more brittle. We therefore recommend that you use a special heat protection spraybefore every styling procedureto apply. Your hair is coated so that temperatures of up to 220 degrees do not affect it. It is important to spray the hair evenly.

Serum or fluid – a must-have for brittle hair ends

A serum or fluid is also useful. As a rule, you should massage this into the still-damp ends every week after washing your hair. The serum is designed to form a protective film around dry hair. For a better and sufficient effect of such care products, you should trim the ends of your hair regularly. Otherwise, the split ends that develop over time will continue to pull upwards and this cannot be repaired with any care product.

Care tips for gray hair also include:a healthy and balanced dietbe careful as this has a strong influence on the hair structure. Hair cell production is achieved by consuming biotin, zinc, iron and vitamins A, B2, B6 and folic acid. You can get these nutrients directly from food or purchase them as supplements from the drugstore.