One of the most effective ways to take your look to the next level is choosing the ideal lipstick color to wear. It can be difficult to figure out which colors look best on you. However, if you choose the wrong color and texture, the lipstick can make you appear older than you really are. But don't worry! We'll tell you a few make-up tips and something else important - these are the lipstick colors that make you older! Mature women should avoid them.
How can lips look bigger and younger?
When you're not feeling your best, lipstick is just the thing to cheer yourself up and appear more confident. It instantly makes you appear more alert and draws attention to your lips rather than your tired-looking eyes. As you get older you shouldChoosing your makeupbe more selective. This is because lips become thinner as we age, and darker lip colors only exacerbate this by making the lips appear even smaller than they actually are. If you want your lips to look bigger and younger, it's best to stick to lipstick colors that look lighter and more natural, like coral and pink tones. It is in your best interest to avoid anything that is very bright and gaudy, as this could draw attention to tiny wrinkles or defects in the mouth region and make you appear older than you really are.
There are some general principles to keep in mind when choosing a lipstick color that suits your complexion, but ultimately you should wear the lipstick color that you feel most confident in. By carefully considering what shade you wear, you can avoid shades that could make you appear more washed out and mature.
Avoid bright lipsticks – fuchsia
This color is suitable for young women with dark hair. Mature women should avoid fuchsia lipstick because it makes them look older.
Pink lipstick with pearl shine
It seems like the trend of wearing pearlescent pink lipstick has died out. Nevertheless, it is not surprising that there are still ladies who apply the long-forgotten shade on their lips.
If you want a lipstick with barely noticeable pigmentation, you should focus on a salmon shade with a semi-matte finish.
Lipstick colors that age you – carrot color and orange
Orange, juicy tones are enjoying growing popularity again. However, we would only recommend it to women who are 20 years old and have flawless skin. Mature women look older with orange. This color also makes teeth look yellower.
Nude shade should be avoided
As we age, our complexion becomes paler and women who use lipstick in muted tones give the impression that they are trying to hide their lips. Highlight your lips with a lipstick that isn't too adventurous. Choose shades that are calming, bright, and neutral. For example, ladies with dark hair should look for lipsticks in a coffee-beige shade. Ladies with blonde hair can opt for a dusty rose tone.
Lipstick colors that make you older – a shade of brown that is too dark
The brown shade of lipstick is considered the secret weapon of beauty by many mature women, but we should tell them something. Dull tones blend with the skin and make the face appear tired. Lipstick in a dark brown tone draws attention to skin imperfections, especially dark bags under the eyes.
Purple color makes you look older
Purple is a color that has gained popularity in recent years, yet it can make you appear older than you really are. Purple coloremphasizes the wrinkles, which have formed on your lips from laughing, which contributes to your overall face looking older.
How to properly make up your lips – bonus tips
You can spice up your look with these makeup tips.
Apply lip primer
Never want to have the experience of your lipstick smudging or bleeding? The main purpose of lip primer is to prevent lipstick from smudging and transferringin the folds around the mouthdiscontinues. On aged skin, lipstick often appears patchy as the substance tends to migrate beyond the edge of the lip line. This is why lip primers are an extremely helpful beauty product as they completely prevent smudging.
Don't forget lip liner
The lip liner can perform numerous functions to give the lips a beautiful, shiny look. He prevents thatthe lip color smudgesand seeps into the little wrinkles around the lips - something no woman wants to draw attention to. In addition, you can use it to change and improve the natural lip contour. If you want to make your lips look fuller, use a lip liner that either matches your lipstick exactly or is a shade darker than your lipstick. A waterproof lip liner creates the ideal barrier to help lip colors and glosses stay in place for much longer.