Mascara tricks for full and long eyelashes: How to create your dream eyelashes, even without expensive ink

You've seen the ads for those expensive mascaras that claim they'll make your eyelashes longer and stronger. But you don't necessarily have to spend a lot of money to achieve the same effect. With some mascara tricks for full and long lashes, you can buy any regular mascara and still make everyone jealous of your lashes. Follow these tips and tricks and thank us later!

Mascara tricks for full and long eyelashes – follow these instructions

So here are some quick and easy mascara tricks to help you get the most out of your mascara.

Step 1: Warm up your mascara tube

For best results, start your makeup routine with a quick cleanse. Then dip your closed mascara tube into a cup of warm water from the tap. Leave the tube for a few minutes while you apply your base makeup and do your hair. The heat turns your mascara from a sticky substance into a liquid that is much easier to spread on your lashes.

Step 2: Carefully take out the mascara stick

Instead of moving the pen up and down, twist the pen around in the tube. As you pull the pen out of the tube, gently twist the bristles around the edge of the opening. How to remove excess mascara and prevent your eyelashes from becoming weighed down.

Step 3: Mascara Tricks – Coat both sides of your eyelashes

Lining both the top and bottom of your lashes will help define them. Start by stroking the wand along the top part of your lashes while looking down at the floor. Then swipe up to capture the bottom of your lashes. Wipe away any accidental mascara stains on your eyelids or cheeks with a cotton swab or tissue.

Tipp: If you open your mouth slightly, your eyes will widen and you will be able to apply the mascara more easily.

Step 4: Run the mascara brush from the base of the lashes to the tips

Applying too much mascara to the tips of your lashes will weigh down your lashes and cause them to become flatter in length throughout the day. Place the lash wand at the base of your lashes and move it slightly from side to side and then up to the tips. This movement applies the mascara at the base and allows the tips to curl unencumbered.

Step 5: Mascara Tricks – Tilt the wand vertically

Typically, you apply mascara by holding the wand horizontally with the bristles pointing up and down. For longer lashes, hold the wand up and down and coat a few lashes at a time, with the bristles pointing to the side.

  • Mascara tricks for full and long eyelashes: Horizontal mascara makes the eyelashes look fuller and vertical mascara makes them look natural and long.
  • It's easier to ink your upper lashes by holding your hand above your head and pulling the wand up over your lashes.
  • Place a tissue under your lower lashes as you pull the wand down to avoid smudging your face.

Step 6: Experiment with different colors

Colored accents or neutral combinations can make your lashes look longer. Minking is a practical way to lengthen your eyelashes. First apply a layer of black mascara, then use a brush to stroke dark brown color along the tips of the eyelashes and finally apply black color again. This adds dimension to the lashes without being noticeable.

  • You might not want to use colored mascara every day, but it's certainly a great alternative for a night out.
  • Try using a neutral color like black or brown and then coloring your lashes with a light shade or gold and silver to play with how two tones lengthen your lashes.
  • For lighter hair colors and natural coppery reds, use brown mascara. For all other hair colors, use black. Highlighting your natural hair color will make it look more natural.

Mascara Tricks – Coat your eyelashes with baby powder

Coat your eyelashes with baby powder between applying mascara. Apply a coat of mascara and let it dry. Then dip a cotton swab and dust the top and bottom parts of your lashes. Apply another coat of mascara over the baby powder to turn it black again and almost double the length of your lashes.

  • You should have applied enough baby powder that your lashes look ashy and gray.
  • Clean your wand between dips in baby powder and mascara to avoid clumps.
  • Have an extra mascara stick for the baby powder so you don't contaminate your tube. You can wash an old stick and reuse it.

Tip on how to stimulate the growth of your eyelashes

Massage your eyelids to stimulate their growth. You can make your eyelashes grow longer naturally. Use your fingertips to massage gently in circles near the roots of the eyelashes. This stimulates the hair follicles to grow stronger and longer. Combine your massage with natural oils for eyelash extensions before bed.

How can you get thick and long eyelashes with home remedies?You can find out here!