Lose belly fat quickly as a woman over 50 or over 60: How to stay healthy and fit after menopause

If you want to quickly lose belly fat accumulated as you age in a proven and healthy way, there are a few methods you can use. It can be challenging to cope with hormonal changes that lead to extra weight around the middleNutrition after 50to fight. Weight gain may feel inevitable as you age, but you can do something about it. The symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings are just as unpleasant, but you don't have to just accept that the number on the bathroom scale is also constantly increasing. Here are some tips and useful information that can help you reduce fat deposits and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

How to lose belly fat quickly through lifestyle changes

Why does the fat belly become a problem after 50 or 60? On the one hand, the drop in hormones changesEstrogen after menopausethe way the body stores fat. In addition, until this point, women tend to store more fat in their hips and thighs. For this reason, research also shows that women over 50 are more susceptible to heart disease, as estrogen has heart-protective value. Secondly, metabolism decreases with age. This is a process called sarcopenia that begins in the mid-30s and occurs primarily through loss of muscle mass. Muscles burn calories at rest, so the more of them you have, the more calories you burn while you're sitting around.

So, to lose belly fat, it is important to combine physical activity and a low-calorie diet that focuses on unprocessed foods. This strategy works regardless of age in chronological years. In addition, there are scientifically proven approaches that have been proven to help combat belly fat. Ideally, you should integrate these into your everyday life to get the most out of itChances of a flatter stomachas well as to give a healthy and longer life.

Intensive training to combat weight gain in midlife

Start with a mix of moderate and vigorous exercise to get visceralFat during menopauseburn effectively. Your routine should include aerobic exercise such as swimming, walking, cycling, and running, as well as resistance or strength training. Another thing you could do is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Basically, this means that a moderate level of training is interspersed with high-intensity intervals throughout the week. So adjust yourself so that you get an equal mix of moderate andhigh intensity exercisesalong with the same two days of strength training.

Spend more time standing and lose belly fat quickly

It's better to stand than sit if and when you can. The more time your body is in motion, the more calories it burns. Stay as upright as possible throughout the day to not only help burn calories but also prevent other health problems. In fact, prolonged sitting is linked to higher levels of belly fat, as well as fat that accumulates around organs such as the liver. This increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. To stay upright more often, stand and pace while talking on the phone, or park further away from the places you are going so that you have to walk a little more. If your job requires you to sit in front of a computer all day, you could also try a standing desk.

Pay attention to fat and carbohydrate intake

Choose fats wisely and eat meals containing healthy, unsaturated fats to prevent weight gain. The healthiest fats are those that come from plant sources like olives and nuts. However, also remember that these, found in avocados for example, also have the same number of calories as the fat in an ice cream sundae. The same applies to virgin olive oil.

Not all nutrients are created equal, and some experts believe that a steady diet high in unprocessed carbohydrates like pasta and bread is a major factor in excess belly fat. In addition, carbohydrates can be an enemy of theMiddle-aged womanif you want to lose belly fat quickly. If you are in perimenopause, you should also watch your sugar intake. Be aware of how many carbohydrates you eat to switch to a low-carb diet and reduce the risk of postmenopausal weight gain.

Plan meals and avoid food cravings

It's not just what you eat when following a diet that's important, but also when you eat it. For example, snacks are generally bad ideas if they include chips or candy. Another way to keep calorie intake in check while snacking is to avoid mindlessly snacking throughout the day or falling into the dreaded afternoon snacking trap. What a menopausal woman does every day after 3 p.m. can determine how big her belly is. Most women tend to snack a lot in the afternoon. To curb your snacking, it's a good idea to pay attention to your circadian rhythm. Eat during a window of 8 to 12 hours a day and then not eat for the rest of the time. Experts consider this essential to watch your weight at any age, but especially during menopause.

Healthy sleep and stress reduction to prevent weight gain

Insomnia is a very common symptom of perimenopause. This is the period when a woman's body transitions into her final menstrual cycle. This transition phase can last four to eight years. All that time you spend not waking up feeling rested means you're also probably feeling too exhausted to head out for a workout. So one of the things that really helps combat menopause is quality sleep. Inadequate sleep affects the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin. These become dysfunctional when you don't get enough sleep. Aim for at least seven (and ideally eight) hours of rest, although this varies from person to person and over time.

There is also a connection between stress and belly fat. This causes cortisol levels to rise, making it easy for you to store fat deep in your stomach. Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, stimulates the liver to increase the production and release of blood sugar and helps the body convert fats, proteins and carbohydrates into usable energy. To be able to lose stress and belly fat quickly, use simple techniques that will help you calm down. Yoga and outdoor walks can also help reduce stress naturally.