Our hands are our business cards and there is hardly anything more beautiful than an elegant and chic manicure! All women who love nail polish know the problem: we wear the nail polish for a little longer than planned and then the shock comes when we remove the polish: our nails have suddenly changed color! Dark polishes look really cool, but can often lead to yellowish stains. And let’s be honest –yellow nailsand discoloration looks anything but good! Of course, you can immediately cover these with a new nail polish, but this is not a long-term solution to the problem. So what could we do about yellow nails caused by nail polish? In this article we have put together the best tips and home remedies to help you get rid of the discoloration once and for all!
How do nail polish cause yellow nails?
Before we get to the tips on how we can avoid and treat yellow nails caused by nail polish, we would first like to explain to you why they occur in the first place. Most often, the unsightly discoloration is caused by our beloved nail polish. Darker polishes in particular are particularly stressful on the nail plate and often leave stains with dye residue. The color eats into the nail and as a result is difficult to remove completely. In addition, some nail polishes contain ingredients that trigger contact allergies and thus yellow ones in some womenNails through nail polishcan cause.
Always apply a base coat
As with many other problems, the following applies to yellow nails caused by nail polish: prevention is better than cure! As already mentioned, the color pigments in nail polish are the most common reason for unsightly stains. The salvation? Base coat! Although this sounds quite logical, this step is still neglected by many women. Base coats are actually made for a reason and that is to protect our fingernails. The varnish forms a protective layer and ensures that the color pigments cannot penetrate the nail bed. To prevent nail polish from causing yellow nails in the first place, a base coat should now be mandatorybefore every manicurebe.
Toothpaste on nails to prevent discoloration
Toothpaste on nails may sound a bit strange at first glance, but it is actually one of the best home remedies for nailsyellow nailsthrough nail polish. Because what works for our teeth must logically also work for our hands. To remove the unsightly yellow tint and whiten your fingernails again, you simply need to apply a small amount of toothpaste and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and repeat the process 2 to 3 times a day until you achieve the desired results. Since toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide - an active ingredient with a bleaching effect, it can also help with stubborn nail polish residues.
Baking soda for yellow nails caused by nail polish
Quite cheap, but very effective and versatile: baking soda is a real all-rounder and another helpful home remedy for yellow nails caused by nail polish. The mixture of baking soda and water has an alkaline effect and removes grease and dirt. To quickly remove the discoloration on your nails, stir a packet of baking soda into some warm water and soak your fingernails in the solution for around 5-10 minutes.
Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar for discolored fingernails caused by nail polish
- Lemons –In addition to baking soda and toothpaste on nails, lemons also offer quick help with discoloration. The acid it contains bleaches naturally and can therefore also work perfectly on yellow nails caused by nail polish. However, if you have sensitive or irritated cuticles, we would advise against it. In this case, the citric acid can cause irritation and inflammation. The method is not only very effective, but also works super quickly. To do this, cut open a lemon, squeeze half and mix with 1-2 tablespoons of water. Rub the other half over your nails for a few minutes and then bathe your hands in lemon juice for about 5 minutes. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day and after just a few days the yellow discoloration will disappear completely!
- Apple cider vinegarhas the same effect as citric acid and can also help against yellow nails caused by nail polish. The basic minerals and organic acids it contains make it a real secret weapon against discoloration and stains. To do this, simply mix apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 2:1 and soak your nails in it for about 5 minutes. Then wash your hands thoroughly and lightly file the nail surface with a polishing file.
Give your fingernails a little break
We love painting our fingernails in bright colors. And when we take off the polish after 3-4 weeks, we prefer to reapply a new one. After all, a chic manicure rounds off every outfit perfectly. Especially if yellow nails are caused by nail polish, you should give yourself a little break every now and then and avoid painting. To strengthen your fingernails, it is recommended to take a short break for around 5 days every 2-3 months.
Special nail polishes for yellow nails
In addition to natural home remedies, the beauty industry now also offers special products that are supposed to help against yellow nails caused by nail polish. Special clear varnishes with a slightly purple tint and lemon extract make the nail look visually brighter and are an excellent way to successfully remove discoloration in the long term.