Wallpaper is a small financial and time investment, especially if you install the wallpaper yourself. She rewards the effort with a beautiful result that could never be achieved with brush and paint. If you have wallpaper, then it understandably has to be something special, because it will last for many years to come without much effort and should bring joy every time you look at the wall. Designer wallpapers are therefore ideal because they undoubtedly give the living space that certain something... but aren't they terribly expensive? And what do you have to consider when buying? We address these two questions in this article.
What are designer wallpapers anyway?
Designer clothes? Everyone knows. Designer technique? Even that should be familiar to most people by now. But designers and wallpaper? In fact, it goes very well together, because where else do you place value on design if not in the living space? First of all there isDesigner wallpapers from well-known names like Versace, Harald Glööckler, Lars Contzen and Ulf Moritz.
Beautiful Versace wallpaper – but a highlight wall is really enough.
By the way: Palm trees are particularly popular at the moment and are a popular wallpaper motif that you can't go wrong with.
Anyone who knows the designer from other perspectives, for example from the wardrobe, will recognize the unmistakable touch on the wallpaper. That's how it isStyle of Harald Glööckler wallpapersextremely pompous (yes, there are even design elements that can be attached directly to the wallpaper, such as the well-known crown), while Versace's style is more stately and elegant.
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In any case, if you like the designer, you will also love the wallpaper. Other designers such as Luigi Colani and Ulf Moritz, on the other hand, rely on a simple and timeless style, but use high-quality materials and applications (rhinestones, pearls, flock, crush and others) that definitely make the wallpaper an eye-catcher. Many online shops now invite you to browse through the variety of great designer wallpapers. On tapeto.com we even found our own section for various designer and branded wallpapers.
Simpler, but still extraordinary: Ulf Moritz's wallpapers impress with their timeless style.
Does it have to be a “designer piece”?
The wallpapers by star designer Harald Glööckler are also a real eye-catcher, especially with the pompous glitter applications.
Admittedly, designer models are of course not available at the same price as cheap wallpaper from the hardware store. So is this investment worth it? The answer is: definitely yes! And not just because of the design, but also because the quality is significantly better. Designers know that it is no longer enough for today's demanding customers to simply buy something beautiful. Such a wallpaper is stable, resistant, can withstand some sunlight and, above all, does not tear at the slightest contact with materials during installation. In every respect you can feel how high quality the wallpaper is. This not only guarantees easy installation, but also a lot of joy for many years when the designer piece hangs on the wall. In addition, of course, designers know that a good wallpaper has to be trendy but also timeless. In the world of short-lived living trends, what must come can come - the designer wallpaper on the wall always looks good. With this choice, you can be sure that it will not need to be replaced in the foreseeable future, because its appearance follows every trend.
Are there also disadvantages?
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When making a purchase decision, you should know that it has its own character - and thatIt also passes it on to the living space. Once it's on the wall, it's no longer just the large pieces of furniture and the larger colored areas like the carpet that define the character of the room. When making a decision, you should ask yourself whether the look of the wallpaper fits with the furniture that is already in the room and that you want to keep - or with those that may be on your list of new purchases. But if designer wallpaper and room furnishings really match the individual taste of the resident and work together, a true oasis of well-being can be created in no time. It is well known how strong and positive the influence of a harmonious environment is on one's well-being. So order the wallpaper paste right away and get started!
How can you afford designer wallpaper?
Lars Contzen is known for his creative motifs, which are particularly popular with young people. Unusual and a little crazy, but always just the right amount.
Designer wallpapers are not only particularly beautiful, but also particularly high quality. Still worried about the costs? Don't worry: after all, they are rarely installed on all four (or more) walls of the room. They are so eye-catching that when used skillfully, they can have their full effect even in a small area. They are used like effect wallpaper, less is more. So all you have to do is treat one wall of the room with wallpaper and the whole room will look completely different. Depending on the furnishings, it may even be enough to wallpaper just one section of a wall. How about, for example, the yawningly empty piece of wall behind the television? Or at the dinner table? Orbehind the bed? You will notice that the room immediately takes on a new character! And for this area - depending on the individual situation - 1-2 rolls are often enough. The effect, however, lasts for years. By the way: The leftovers can also be used sensibly; there are numerous creative ideas on the Internet. So don't wait any longer, bring your little piece of luxury and design into your own four walls.
Ulf Moritz