Subsidy for new windows – costs and funding options from the state

Modern, well-insulating windows can save considerable amounts of heat in the apartment and thereby noticeably reduce your heating costs. Anyone planning to modernize their windows can not only count on saving energy costs, but also on financial support from the state in the form of subsidies or tax advantages. In today's article you will find out what funding programs there are for new windows and what requirements homeowners have to meet.

The cost of energy-saving windows depends on the glazing and insulation layer used. The most important role is played by the low U-value of the window, i.e. the heat transfer coefficient. The lower the value, the better the window insulates. New windows are eligible for KFW funding with a U-value of 0.95 W/(m²K). Onfensterhai.deFor example, you can look at premium profile systems that achieve U-values ​​between 0.83 and 0.90 W/(m²K).

Only windows with triple glazing have such low U-values ​​and are 10 - 15 percent more expensive than double glazing. In addition to the price of the glazing, there are also the costs of window installation and assembly, which amount to 35 - 45 percent of the window costs. The investment costs for these energy-saving windows are very high, but the future energy savings are financially very worthwhile.

Anyone who would like to finance window renovation with KfW funding can choose between a low-interest loan or investment grants for new windows. The latter do not have to be repaid.

These programs are suitable for window modernization:

– Program 430 (investment grant) – For individual energy-related measures such as replacing windows, the grant amounts to 10 percent of the renovation costs, up to a maximum of 5,000 euros for each residential unit. For holistic renovations, KfW funding can even be up to 25 percent.

– Program 151/152 (low-interest loan) – As a rule, extensive renovation is necessary if you want to achieve the KfW efficiency house standard. Low-interest loans are offered for this purpose. For individual measures such as installing new windows, a maximum of 50,000 euros per residential unit is awarded. If the entire building is renovated, the homeowner will receive up to 75,000 euros and up to 22.5 percent repayment subsidy.

– Program 431 (investment grant for construction support) – Individual measures such as replacing windows and extensive packages of measures are supported. It is only possible in combination with products 151/152 and 430. The KfW primarily supports the control of construction work, the acceptance and assessment of the renovation and covers 50% of the costs: up to 4,000 euros per project.

– Program 455 (subsidy) – In the age-appropriate conversion program, KfW promotes modernization and burglary protection measures, for example the installation of retrofit systems for old or new windows such as screw-on window rod locks, mushroom head locks and anti-rotation window handles. The minimum investment amount is 2,000 euros, the subsidy ranges from 1,500 to 6,250 euros per residential unit depending on the planned measures.

Requirements and aspects to be taken into account

To be eligible, these renovation measures for new windows must meet certain minimum technical requirements:

  1. The application must take place before implementation.
  2. House must have been built by December 31, 1994
  3. New windows must have a U-value of 0.95 W/(m²K).
  1. Significantly less heat is lost through modern windows, which leads to savings in heating costs. If you consider that the lifespan of windows is around 40 years, you can expect large heating cost savings over a longer period of time.
  2. If the costs of replacing the windows are recognized as maintenance expenses by the tax office, they are tax deductible in the year in which they are paid.
  3. The costs of tradesmen's services can also be deducted from the tax liability. The workers' wages, machine costs and travel costs are deductible. This means you can save up to 1,200 euros when installing new windows.