The innovative infrared heater – what makes these radiators special?

Modern design that fits perfectly into any living space and has a decorative effect. Soothing warmth that creates a comfortable atmosphere. Energy consumption that can be precisely controlled according to your own needs. Easy installation and low investment costs – the innovative infrared heater has a lot to offer. Perhaps that is why it has enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years. We take a closer look at the heating system and tell you how exactly the radiators work, what else makes them so special and why they can prove to be a practical alternative to traditional heaters.

How do infrared heaters actually work?


Warm berry tones and subtle gray create a modern living atmosphere

The fruity berry tones are not only a trend in fashion, but are also finding their way into your own four walls. This 2-room apartment is located in Kiev, Ukraine and impresses with its well-thought-out room layout. The dark red tones combine perfectly with gray, white and black. Feminine and noble,

The term “infrared” comes from the Latin word for “under” – infra. This refers to the electromagnetic waves that lie below the red range of light. In principle, these waves transport energy. When they hit people, walls, ceilings, floors, furniture and other solid objects, the energy is converted into heat. The heated bodies continue to radiate some of this energy, which leads to an energy cycle in space. This variant for heating proves to be extremely practical and offers several advantages:

  • DieInfrared heatingkeeps the masonry warmer for longer because the walls, floor and ceiling release heat three times longer than the air.
  • Mold cannot form on the warm and dry masonry.
  • In contrast to conventional heaters, where the air is heated and therefore an air vortex is created, with an infrared heater there is no draft. This heater is therefore particularly recommended for allergy sufferers, as the dust level in the room is significantly lower.
  • The warmth of the infrared heater is perceived as extremely pleasant - and is comparable to the warmth of a fireplace. Similar to the sun's rays, in which the infrared waves also act as a heat source, they warm the body from the inside.

The innovative infrared heater scores points with its uncomplicated installation

In some cases, innovative infrared heating proves to be a cost-effective alternative to conventional heating systems. It has low acquisition costs and offers a certain degree of design freedom - no hot water pipes have to be laid and the location of the radiators in the room is not fixed. Investing in central heating is often not worth it, especially in new buildings, passive houses and well-insulated old buildings - then infrared heating is a good option. It is also ideal as additional heating on cold autumn and spring days and offers a practical and economical solution for the winter garden, guest house or garden shed.

As far as installation is concerned, it is quick and easy: the infrared heater runs on single-phase electricity and the radiators can therefore be operated using the sockets at home. Infrared heating also eliminates the additional maintenance work and therefore maintenance costs. In order for the heating to prove to be energy-efficient, special attention should be paid to the electricity costs incurred. These can be kept within limits if the building has good insulation. When sizing the radiators, it is also important that the rooms are measured correctly.

The modern radiators are an eye-catcher in the living area

The innovative infrared heating is not only a functional addition to the interior, but also aesthetically enhances the living area. On the one hand, the mirror heater radiates cozy warmth and, on the other hand, it can also visually enlarge small rooms. The glass heater impresses with its high-quality manufacturing and simple frameless construction. It fits harmoniously into minimalist and puristic living spaces. The glass picture heater can be printed with your own photo or picture and can therefore be used as an accent.