If you plan to use unusable waste materials as fuel, it would be useful to know which ones you should not burn in the stove. In the event that you choose to throw something else into the fireplace instead of firewood, there are a few factors you should consider. Unfortunately, many homeowners often use their fireplaces and wood-burning appliances as the next best waste disposal option. However, putting anything other than logs on the fire can be extremely dangerous for many reasons. Here are some of the things you should never burn in a wood stove or fireplace during the heating season or in winter in general.
Resist the temptation and avoid burning certain things in the fireplace
The fireplace in your home or apartment is certainly not a place where you should break the rules for safe burning. This could lead to an accident or a dangerous and costly house fire. For this reason, some surprisingly common items, especially trash, have no place in a fire pit. Your wood stove or fireplace will work hard as the cold wind blows against the walls of the home. That's why you should focus on the safety of your fireplaceheated homefocus. Additionally, it is important to understand why you shouldn't just put anything in the fireplace when heating with fire. This focuses on some of the materials that you will probably want to get rid of by burning them.
Why you shouldn't burn damp wood in the fireplace
In general, wood with a moisture content above 20% is an unsuitable fuel for any stove. Not only does it produce smoke, but it also produces dangerous levels of creosote. The latter can reduce the efficiency of your stove and chimney or even cause chimney fires. And the wetter the wood, the more pollutants are released into the atmosphere, which can affect a range of diseases such as asthma. In any case, wet wood simply doesn't produce the same amount of heat as dry wood and properlywell-seasoned firewood. So think carefully before you pull some damp wood out of the rain-soaked pile in the backyard.
Old Christmas trees
In mid-January or early February, there seems to be a handy supply of firewood in the shape of a Christmas tree right in your living room. However, it can be dangerous to use the leftover Christmas tree as fuel. . This evergreen type of wood contains a high resin content that burns and bursts quickly, creating a high risk of an out-of-control fire. If your tree isn't natural anyway, you won't want to burn it in the fireplace or throw it directly into the flames anyway. Additionally, purchased fir likely not only contains a significant amount of moisture, but may have been treated with chemicals and resins.
Do not burn treated wooden materials such as pallet wood in the fireplace
If you feel like tearing your house apart looking for firewood, don't do it. Painted and treated wooden boards, such as stair railings, also contain toxic chemicals that can fill your interior with an unbearable stench. Even if these chemicals cause no harm to human occupants, they can cause serious damage to your chimney. Whether you want to turn a pallet into a coffee table or burn it in your fireplace, you should always check the manufacturer's seal. This stamp shows whether the pallet was treated with methyl bromide, a pesticide, and what method was used to dry the wood.
Avoid burning glossy paper with colored print or cardstock
Magazines, wrapping paper, and food boxes are also not suitable fuels for a fireplace because they can release toxic gases. These can be corrosive and even carcinogenic. Therefore, you should dispose of such materials rather than throw them into the fire, even if you think they can burn well. In fact, every colored material has been treated with a whole range of chemicals at some point. The list includes everyday items such as magazines, shoe boxes, pizza boxes, etc. Research has shown that certain colored paper/cardboard products can release harmful, corrosive and carcinogenic gases into the atmosphere. These gases are also extremely dangerous for people living nearby.
Old furniture made of plywood or chipboard
An abundance of carcinogenic and toxic substances are usually found in plywood and chipboard furniture. They are most often made from wood chips that have been mixed with glue and pressed into a solid piece of wood. So unless it's something made from dry logs, you shouldn't burn it in the stove to avoid inhaling the accompanying fumes.
Why you shouldn't burn liquid ignition materials in the fireplace
You may be getting a little impatient when it comes to getting the roaring fire going. However, don't try to speed up the process with a lighter as it can cause a flare-up and raise your fire to a dangerously high temperature. In such cases, it can get out of control, which in turn poses a safety risk and would damage your chimney. Remember what happens when you pour lighter fluid on the grill? You definitely don't want this type of flare-up in your fireplace. Although it does not necessarily pose a danger to the environment, placing an accelerant into a wood/multi-fuel stove may pose a danger to those nearby. Additionally, this can cause excessive heat, misfires, and chimney fires.
Avoid plastic bottles and any plastic products
Playing with melting plastic may seem like a fun children's game, but some people don't realize how bad it is to burn plastics. Any type of household plastic, from children's toys to disposable tableware, should never be burned indoors or outdoors. It releases some serious toxins into the air like sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, heavy metals, and other potentially deadly materials that you shouldn't breathe. Therefore, under no circumstances should you burn such materials in your home.
Why you shouldn't burn lint from the dryer in the fireplace
This may seem like an effective way to start a fire, but it's better than throwing lint from dried laundry in the trash. These usually also release toxic chemicals. This is particularly because so many clothing items these days are made from synthetic materials or a mix of natural and synthetic fibers. While the topic is mentioned here, it is also good to regularly clean your dryer of lint as this can impede ventilation within the machine and cause a fire.
It is better not to throw fruit peels and some poisonous plants into the fire
The smoke produced when burning from certain types of plants such as poison ivy or poison oak can cause allergic reactions when inhaled. It is therefore better to throw all suspicious plant parts outside into the compost heap. Many people also try to flavor their homes and opt for fresh aromas of oranges, lemons or apples during the Christmas season. However, the problem with burning fruit peels is that they are wet. This can lead to heavy smoke and creosote buildup. To avoid this undesirable effect, it is best to dry the fruit peels in the oven at a low temperature. You can then throw the potpourri into the fire and enjoy the pleasant scent safely. You will still get the fresh flavor from it, but not the moisture.
Burning old clothes or textiles in the fireplace
It may seem like a good idea to burn old t-shirts, wool sweaters and other home furnishings in the fireplace to start a better fire, but this is not the case. Textiles give off an unpleasant smell and produce a large amount of smoke when burned. This smoke, in turn, covers the inside of the chimney with creosote, which can cause chimney fires.
Why you shouldn't burn charcoal in the fireplace
While you can use charcoal products in your grill, you should only do so outdoors. When you burn charcoal, carbon monoxide is released into the air. It's the last thing you want in your living spaces. The stuff isn't as dangerous outside as it is indoors. If there is too much draft, the coal can burn twice as much as wood, which can damage the chimney. That's why it's better to reserve this fuel for summer outdoor grilling. Even if you are enjoying a fire outside in an outdoor fire pit, it is recommended that you do not burn the items listed here as the fumes will rise into the atmosphere. This endangers not only people but also the environment. Remember that there is a wide range of safe materials for stoking your fire in various suitable locations.
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