So-called Ghost Lashes are currently a huge beauty trend on social media. At Tikkok, the "ghost eyelashes" even go viral. Admittedly, not every trend of the platform is suitable for imitation and not everyoneso-calledBeauty trend from social media is actually one-with Ghost Lashes, on the other hand, it is different.
You are now wondering what it is with thisis in itself, and whether it has anything to do with Halloween or carnival? However, the resolution is less spectacular than you might suspect: Ghost Lashes is unused, natural. By the way: Mascara-free eyelashes were also a big trend during the presentation of spring/summer collections 2025. This is what the look looks like and it depends on it ...
So of course the beauty trend looks ghost lashes
How great natural, unvarnished eyelashes could look, for example, saw Haute Couture at Germanier. A puristic eye area seems incredibly modern to opulent outfits and thus also fits perfectly with glamorous evening look. At Rokh, the eyelids were emphasized with eyeshadow, but the eyelashes remained, of course. This creates an extravagant finish that has a fairy-stylish-tender and self-confident and strong effect at the same time. The make-up at Louis Vuitton is also expressive: the natural eyelashes together with a strictly styled hairstyle underline the character-strong look.
Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM
Germanician, haute couture, spring/summer 2025
What the catwalk beauty looks show: Unvarzy eyelashes do not mean that the rest of the face remains free of make-up. A perfected, naturally made -upis the basis of the Ghost Lashes. It is best to work with a light foundation or CC-Cream and little blush. It looks very modern when you wear the puristic eyelashes with bright lips and striking earrings.
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This is how you put on ghost lashes
In fact, you don't really have to "put on make -up" ghost lashes. You can simply leave the eyelashes as naturally as they are. So that the look does not look careless, but maintained, it is advisable to clean the eyelashes thoroughly and, for example, to maintain an oil or serum. This also gives the fine hairs a nice one.
In order to act the puristic eyelashes and to leave in the focus, you cover eye shadows with a concealer. The eye area also looks more relaxed. And in my opinion, rejuvenating, in contrast to very make -up lids and eyelashes.
Shopping eyelash care:
Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM
Germanician, haute couture, spring/summer 2025
Do ghost lashes fit me and my look?
Everyone can wear ghost lashes. So that the eyelashes look contemporary and not just look without makeup, it is essential that the look is well thought out overall.
If you are too little unpleasant eyelashes, you could use a brown instead of black mascara. This also makes the eyelashes look more natural.