Gel nails for Christmas: The most beautiful ideas, colors and motifs in 2024

    Snowflakes, glitter, festive colors and patterns – theseChristmas gel nailsimmediately put us in the Christmas spirit. Here we'll show you which nail designs and motifs are particularly popular for the holidays. Book your next appointment at your nail salon now!

    1. Idea for gel nails for Christmas: Glacial Glow Nails

    Imposing mountains and peaks crisscrossed by ice that shine in their unique shades of blue. You can now get this highlight from nature on your nails. The glacier nails are made from gelblue colors that reflect the wintry elegance and grace of the glaciersreflect and thus ensure a unique look on the nails.

    Our tip:Choose gel colors mixed with glitter particles or use an additional top coat. Your nails will glitter just as beautifully as the impressive glaciers in the most beautiful winter weather.

    2. Idea for elegant Christmas nails: Dark red gel nails

    Santa's coat is red, Rudolf the reindeer's nose is red and so are the baubles on the Christmas tree -Red is one of the quintessential Christmas colors! This year we don't want to do without the color either, but the trend is a little more dark. That's why we paint oursGel nails for Christmasindark red tones such as burgundy or a strong red wine red.

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    3. Gel design for the holiday season: Copper Nails

    Silence is silver, speech is gold - and copper is perfect for the Christmas spirit. The trendy metallic tones also accompany us through the Christmas season. Therefore belongGel nails in copperone of the most popular Christmas nail designs this year. This is especially true for trendy Christmas nails, which glitter in competition with the Christmas lights.

    Another argument for Christmas nails in copper:Thanks to the warm undertone, the nails suit every skin tone.

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    4. Idea for gel nails for Christmas: Christmas nail stickers

    Christmas without decorations? Unimaginable! Just in time for the first Advent, fairy lights, Christmas figures, etc. are taken out of the cupboards and the home is decorated with them. It goes without saying that the nails should also be decorated. However, nail polish and simple UV gel are no longer enough here, so the manicure is includedSweet nail stickers such as Christmas motifs, stars in silver and gold or small gifts give you even more Christmas vibes.

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    5. Magical idea for Christmas nails: Magnet Nails

    We also find this gel nail trend particularly attractive at Christmas:Gel nails that have a unique design made of a colored UV gel and a magnetic glitter gel with a magnet. This nail art is also known as “Cat Eye Nails” and impresses with its futuristic 3D effects, which are impressive from every perspective. And this is how the nail design works:

    1. First, the natural nails are lightly roughened and with aBase coat in the color of your choicepainted. Allow the gel to harden briefly under a UV lamp.
    2. Now there will be oneshimmering cat eye UV nail polishapplied. After that for aboutHold the magnet at a distance of 3 to 5 millimeters above the nail for five seconds. Only then allow the gel polish to harden under a UV lamp.
    3. In the last step, the Christmas nails are sealed with a top coat, which also has to harden under a UV lamp.

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    With the magnet yours getsupgrade immediately. At Christmas time it can be something very special.

    By the way:The effect also occursgreat. Everything you need for the magnetic Christmas nails can be found here:

    6. Nail design for Christmas nails made of gel: fir green

    Apart from red, no color is as much a part of Christmas as a rich oneFir green– and of course this also applies to our Christmas nails.The color is simple and elegant at the same time, goes with almost any Christmas outfit and looks good on all nails, no matter what length or shape they are.

    Another idea for gel nails: Decorate with the chic greensmall dots of gold or silver– both colors harmonize beautifully with fir green.

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    7. Idea for gel nails at Christmas time: Christmas motifs

    Not only playful nail stickers are popular for Christmas nails, but also homemade motifs. So, in keeping with the Christmas season, we chooseNail designs with small bows, beautiful snowflakes, Santa Claus, candy canes, mistletoe or a decorated Christmas tree.

    Admittedly, we prefer to leave artistic motifs to the professionals, but we can easily manage small nail designs like stars!

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    8. Exciting gel nail design: 3D nails

    Looking for something very special? Then you should definitely try 3D gel nails.The 3D effect is created by a transparent builder gel, which is applied and shaped with a very fine brush in targeted areas directly on the finished painted nail. The more of the gel is applied, the stronger it ishaptic effect. The gel can be used to create all sorts of shapes, motifs and patterns, making Christmas nails an absolute eye-catcher. The 3D effect on the gel nails is better than the one in the cinema, we promise!

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    9. Idea for gel nails for Christmas: Cinnamon roll nails

    Baking is just as much a part of the Christmas season as decorating. But if you've had enough of cookies, you should take the next step and try cinnamon rolls. Not just in the kitchen, but also on your nails. TheCinnamon Roll Nails are the latest prank from model Hailey Bieber and her nail artist Zola Ganzorigt. Everyone is crazy about the nail design, which is reminiscent of the delicious cinnamon-sugar filling of the snails. We recommend the following order: First we go to the nail salon for a manicure of Christmas gel nails and then we can bake.

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