We probably sound like your dentist at the annual teeth cleaning, but a good oneOral hygieneis and remains one of the most important care routines. On theBrushing and flossing your teethYou shouldn't miss out on this under any circumstances, but this step is also extremely important - and is often forgotten!
Oral hygiene: Please don't forget this step after brushing your teeth
ThisTongue scraper made of 100 percent copper is a must-havefor your daily oral care. With its natural antibacterial propertiesIt effectively removes deposits, bacteria and toxinsfrom the tongue. It not only supports fresh breath, but also your general health. Regular use canReduce bad breath, promote digestion and even reduce the risk of tooth decay. A simple yet powerful addition to your oral hygiene routine(ORDER HERE).
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What makes the copper tongue scraper so important for oral hygiene?
Compared to toothbrushes that barely reach the surface of the tongue, this scraper was specifically designed toto specifically remove deposits and bacteria. The pure copper has naturally antibacterial properties and is long-lasting and sustainable. Cleaning your tongue not only improves your breath, but also yourssense of taste. At the same time you support herimmune system, as fewer harmful bacteria enter the body.
More oral care essentials:
How to use the tongue scraper correctly?
Using the tongue scraper is easy and effective. Clean it before usewarm soapy water. Hold the scraper by the handles and place the horseshoe-shaped edge on the back of the tongue. Gently pull it forward as youlight pressureexercise. Rinse the scraper after each pass and repeat the process three to five times or as needed.
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