oatmeal- the classic on the breakfast table and felt to be the healthiest choice when it comes to a fit start to the day. But sometimes the supposedly healthy superfood hides a real oneCalorie bomb. Because the way we prepare the grain can make it nutritiousBreakfastunintentionally into a disastrous oneCalorie traptransform. Oversweetening, wrong toppings or portions that are too large are just some of the most common pitfalls.
The pitfall of sweet temptation: sugar and co.
A little honey here, a splash of maple syrup there and suddenly there is a lot more sugar in the breakfast bowl than you think. WhooatmealIf it's excessively sweet, it's good for your palate, but not necessarily for your figure. Better: Use freshFruitsuch as berries or apple slices to achieve a natural sweetness. AlsoCinnamonor vanilla can provide that little something extra, without any additionalCaloriesto deliver.
oatmealThey look inconspicuous at first glance, but they have a lot to offer: just 50 grams provide around 180 calories - without milk or toppings. Many people tend to add more, which can quickly lead to an unwanted calorie explosion. Especially in combination with rich ingredients, such asnuts, seeds or dried fruits, the values add up. Tip: Weigh your portion and enjoy it consciously to ensure a balanced mealBreakfastto ensure.
The choice of liquid also plays a crucial role. Whole milk or cream do itoatmealAlthough creamy, they driftCaloriesupwards. A lighter alternative: plant-based drinks, such as unsweetened almond or oat milk. They contain much less fat andCalories, but are just as delicious. If you miss the creamy effect, you can stir in some yogurt - preferably the low-fat version.
Toppings are the highlight of every oatmeal bowl - but not every extra is figure-friendly. A handful of nuts or a spoonful of peanut butter can quickly add several hundred calories. Chocolate chips or sweetened dried fruit also often turn out to behidden sugar bombs. The solution? Rely on fresh fruit, chopped almonds or coconut flakes in moderate amounts. This is how you staylight, filling and still delicious.