Thewas endlessly long, thatWetterIt's been bad since you left the house in the morning and to make matters worse, the annoying ones came in the afternoonin addition. In a situation like this you want anything butstanding in the kitchen forever,to prepare a warming meal. It will quickly become a reality againDelivery appto solve the problem from the comfort of your couch. But in the long run it's not just a matter of timeMoney,but is usually not necessarily healthy either. That's why it's worth itfastto have something ready that can be conjured up in exactly such an (emergency) situation. We have it on Reddit under the thread with the appropriate description"What's your don't-want-to-cook dish?"found and can only agree. Thislightning-fast soul warmersit's SO easy:
In addition to comments like kebab,orWe immediately noticed an answer under the post. We're talking aboutPasta with spinach.As practicalStored in stock, you can at least get a few vitamins andNutrientsbe accommodated - and thatlightning fastand really easy. Through additional ingredients such asfresh basil,roastedPine nutsor planedParmesan,which are added when serving, the dish suddenly no longer feels like an emergency solution and actually looks really impressive.