Brass wedding: great ideas for the 45th wedding anniversary

Have you been married for 45 years? Then congratulations on your brass wedding! This is where the most beautiful ideas come from.

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From the 45th wedding anniversary it is only a stone's throw to the. That's why this marriage anniversary is often overshadowed by the next big one. However, 45 years of marriage together is something so significant that it cannot simply be dismissed. The so-called brass wedding is a very special day and deserves to be treated as such!

One is rightly proud of 45 years of marriage. Many couples never experience this wedding day because they split up beforehand or got married late. Those lucky enough to celebrate this day together should do so too.

It doesn't have to be a huge celebration, but a small celebration with the children, warm wishes and nice gifts are simply part of it. We'll show you the best ideas.

The meaning of the 45th wedding anniversary: ​​brass

The color of brass is a little reminiscent of gold, but not quite. This seems fitting for the 45th wedding anniversary, just five years away from the big golden anniversary. Brass is made of copper and zinc, sometimes another metal can be added in small amounts. Together they form the brass alloy, which is very robust and durable. That's how it is in a marriage that has lasted for 45 years. Two partners come together and their connection is stable and nothing will separate them anytime soon.

Reading tip:

Brass wedding customs and traditions

There are no special customs or traditions for the 45th wedding anniversary. However, after 45 years, many married couples have their own little wedding anniversary traditions. Some might go to their favorite restaurant together, others might invite friends and family, or they might look at old photos and videos from the wedding.

Since most couples celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in a big way, the brass wedding anniversary is usually not celebrated. There are only five years left until the 50th wedding anniversary, so the brass wedding will be kept on the small side. However, “small” is relative. After 45 years together, there may be several adult children and grandchildren, so the group automatically becomes a little larger.

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45th wedding anniversary: ​​The best gift ideas


Brass jewelry is of course an obvious gift for a brass wedding. The gift has beautiful symbolic power and brass jewelry is also cheap. However, brass has a tendency to tarnish. The jewelry forms a patina over time and therefore requires some care.


Brass watches also make great gifts for the 45th wedding anniversary. Brass is often found in an antique look, so you can find beautiful decorative clocks for your home as well as stylish pocket watches as an accessory. You can also write a short text about the time you (or the couple) spent together. This means that the brass clock also has a beautiful symbolic value as a gift.


You can find many valuable decorative items made of brass. Whether wall decoration, candlestick, decorative figure or vase - brass fits into almost every house because the color changes depending on the composition of the alloy. The higher the zinc content, the lighter the color. Brass can therefore be both golden brown and white-yellow. So give the couple beautiful brass decorations and you will have the perfect gift for their 45th wedding anniversary.

A love lock

In many cities there are now bridges with love locks attached to the railings. Most often such padlocks are made of brass. They will be stamped with the couple's names and the date they became a couple (or their wedding date). Then the lock is attached to the bridge railing and the key is thrown into the water. This custom represents eternal love, as the lock can no longer be opened.

A key ring

Keychains are considered a very popular gift idea. Of course, you can also get a beautiful brass key ring for your 45th wedding anniversary and even have it engraved. However, what is much more practical: a brass key ring. The gift has the same symbolic power and the recipient can actually use it.

Photo gifts

Memories are perhaps the most beautiful gifts you can give. Make a beautiful photo album with the milestones of the last 45 years. Slide shows and short films are also very well received. Nowadays, such films can usually be created using apps without professional knowledge.
If you prefer something a little simpler, you can simply enlarge the couple's wedding photo and frame it beautifully, perhaps even in a brass frame.

Also nice: If there is an old love letter or card that the couple sent to each other, frame it. There are beautiful completely clear picture frames with brass frames for hanging or standing.

Reading tip:


There is actually no occasion for which flowers would be an inappropriate gift. Give the wedding couple 45 of their favorite flowers, or a potted plant that has strong symbolic meaning. Just like the olive tree. An olive tree represents peace, loyalty and longevity. Old olive trees are more resilient than young ones and olive trees often only bear fruit after decades. An old olive tree is a wonderful gift for a couple who have been together for 45 years.

Also nice: put together the bridal bouquet from back then using an old photo.

A little trip

After 45 years of marriage together, you can treat yourself to something nice, or your family will treat you to it. A short trip allows a lot of time for togetherness and offers beautiful new experiences that only further connect the couple. This could be a weekend trip to another city, or a trip to a spa where you can really unwind. The main thing is that the couple has a well-deserved break from everyday life.

An experience gift

When is there a better occasion to give special gifts than a wedding anniversary? After 45 years of marriage, the couple has experienced a lot together, but there is still more to discover. Give them an experience where they can do something that they definitely haven't experienced before. It doesn't have to be a skydive, but there are extraordinary experiences that even an older couple can enjoy.

Here you can book an experience gift directly from Jochen Schweizer.* Whether it's a balloon ride, a quad tour, a crime dinner or an alpaca hike - there's definitely a lot that the couple hasn't tried yet.

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The most beautiful sayings for your 45th wedding anniversary

What should definitely not be missing on the 45th wedding anniversary are warm congratulations. The couple's love deserves to be celebrated. Take a few minutes and write a lovely card. Describe what impresses you about this love, what memories you have with the couple and, of course, what you wish for them in the future.

To make writing easier for you, we have collected some sayings and quotes for inspiration.

We congratulate our celebrating couple,
That's what everything rightly revolves around today,
and that now for XX long years
go through a rich life together.
We thank you for the love, care, loyalty,
with which you guided and led us.
And our wish should be that you again
feel the gratitude of our hearts.
Always stay healthy, stay confident and cheerful,
and remain with us what you were and are.
Then life goes on together
in the most beautiful joy and compatibility.
Friedrich Morgenroth

The great happiness in love is to find peace in another heart.
Julie de Lespinasse

True love arises from the harmony of thoughts and the contrast of characters.
Théodore Simon Jouffroy

And was the bond that bound you,
soulful, warm and holy pure,
so leave the last of your hours
be cheerful like your first.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In your hands are my times, my entire life, all days, hours and moments.
Martin Luther

Reading tip:

Love has no age, it is constantly being reborn.
Blaise Pascal

We are shaped and shaped by what we love.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Where love is sown, joy grows.
William Shakespeare

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. Whoever sows in abundance will also reap in abundance.
2. Corinthians 9, 6

Without faith in its duration, love would be nothing; only constancy makes it great.
Honore de Balzac

When two people love each other, they stay young for each other.
Paul Ernst

A good marriage is based on the talent for friendship.
Friedrich Nietzsche

This is the right marriage,
Where two are meant,
Through all luck and woe
Faithfully united on pilgrimages:
One staff of the other
And dear burden at the same time,
Rest and hike together
And aim for the kingdom of heaven.
Emanuel Geibel

All happiness in marriage lies in mutual trust and accommodation. Foolish love soon fades, but one must respect and serve one another.
Maria Theresia

True love is like the ring and the ring has no end.
Brazilian proverb

More congratulations in the video: Short, funny and sometimes even rhyming

Congratulations on your wedding: Short, funny and sometimes even rhyming

Love is always building a bridge out of stones in the way.
Author Unknown

Let your heart rejoice and let no one take your joy away from you.
John 16, 22b

Love lives from lovely little things.
Theodor Fontane

Two bodies, two souls, one life together.
Unknown author

I always loved you, I still love you today and will love you forever.
Ludwig Uhland

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