Finally switch off: This yoga routine relaxes before sleeping

Everyday stress often makes it difficult to calm down in the evening. Endless to-do lists, the constant stimulus overflowing through the media and too little movement lead to the fact that the head cannot switch off. Instead of relaxing, the thought carousel continues - and relaxing sleep is moving far away.

Sometimes it takes a conscious cut to drain body and mind. Comes exactly hereGood night yogainto play! Gentle stretching and breathing exercises help to reduce stress, loosen your muscles and end the day relaxed. We show you the best yoga exercises that you should do before going to bed.

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Instructions for good-after yoga (see video)

1. Relaxation in a background

Start your yoga routine in theBack. Lay comfortably on your back and stretch out your legs. Make sure you gently extend your back to avoid a hollow cross. Put your arms relaxed next to the body thatHandtacks point upwards. Pull the chin slightly to the chest to stretch the neck and gently push your shoulders away from the ears.

Close the eyesAnd focus on your breathing:Inhale deep through the nose, slowly exhale through the mouth.Let go of tension and disruptive thoughts with every breath. Feel how your feet sink to the outside and gently rises and reduces your abdominal blanket - a moment of complete relaxation.

Simply breathe: complete relaxation in a back positionCredit:Getty Images

2. Stretching for shoulder and back

Stay in your back and set up your feet one after the other. Route thePoor at shoulder heightto the side. With the nextexhalationLet yourKnees gently sink to the left, while yourView to the right sidehikes.

Like to let themEyes closed, to focus better on the soothing stretching in the shoulder and lower back area. Breathe in and with everyoneSlow, conscious exhalationSink a little lower into the position.

Then change the page: Bring your knees to the right and turn your head to the left. Make sure yoursExhaling is longer than the inhalationto strengthen the relaxation effect.

3. Back massage

Pull bothKnee to the chest, lift theHead light onAnd surround your knees with the arms. Now start gently, youRoll up and backto massage your back and solve tension.

Let the movement be fluid and relaxed - enjoy the small massage that yoursMobilized spineand loosens the back. After a few repetitions, use the momentum to slowly into oneOutright sitting positionto come.

Back massage with different: With your own weight you massage your back on the floor.Credit:Getty Images

4. Grätschsitz

Sit in theGrätschsitzAnd feel whether you can sit upright. If yourlower back is round, place a folded ceiling under your buttocks. Sit downEdge of the ceiling, so yoursLine the seat bone stable.

Remove your legs as far as pleasant to the side and leave themShow toes up. Now put theleft arm on the inside of the left leg, while youright arm lifts upAnd pull over the ear to the side. With everyoneexhalationLet your upper body sink gently deeper into the stretch - make sure thatBoth buttocks keep in touch with the pad.

Guide the upper arm slowlyTo the side towards the groundand wander from here toIn the middle of the mat. Then gently roll up again andRepeat the exercise on the other hand.

A folded ceiling or a yoga block can help to find the best seating position in the grätscher seat.Credit:Getty Images

5. Loosening of the upper body

Stay inGrätschsitzand lift bothPoor upto extend the spine. Slide yoursSeat bones slightly backwardsAnd hold thatBack as straight as possible, while you slowly lead your hands and upper body to the ground.

If you don't get so far forward, that's perfectly fine -Find the position that feels pleasant for you. It is important that you loosen your upper body and relax your shoulders.

After a few breaths, if possible you canPlace the forearms or hands on the matAnd linger in this position for some deep breaths. Feel the gentle stretch and enjoy relaxation. Then you roll yourselfslowly back up.

6. Rapen

Sit upright, grab your knees and bring your legs together.Route the left leg off,Ich the right legAnd drop it gently. Lift bothPoor upand lean with youstraight back forward.

Let your hands rest on the left knee and feel how your upper body gently lowers down. It is not important to touch the knee with the nose, but theTo keep back long and straight. Shoulders and neck stay relaxed.

Breathe in and with everyoneExhaling decreases a bit deeperIn stretching. After a few deep breaths, you slowly come up again. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

With every exhalation you sink deeper into stretch.Credit:Getty Images

Also interesting:

7. Happy Baby

Finally, you turn into theBackback. Hold on yoursKnishe flours firmand roll yourselfSevere for vertebrae down. Then pull your knees to the chest and give yourself a small onehug. Shake gently to the right and left to massage the lower back.

Then put yoursUpper body relaxedand stretch themLegs up. Open your knees and bring your arms to theInside the knee. Now grab yoursShin legs or solesAnd press the feet up slightly while your arms gently pull your legs down. This„Happy Baby“-Poseensures a beneficialStretch in the hips. Make sure yourLower back remains on the floor.

With the nextExhaling you solve the positionExtend the legs and put the arms up with the palms. Stay for a few deep breaths, relax and feel how your body feels now.

Stretching for the hip with the exercise Happy Baby.Credit:Getty Images

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You yourself have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form best suit you. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.