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Wash laundry on Sundays: You should consider that
Can I let the washing machine run on Sundays? We clarify.
Many use the free time on Sunday to wash laundry. But you can do that at all and what do I have to consider for rest periods?
Phew, are you like me too? There is hardly any time for the household during the week - let alone wash the laundry. If you work all day or travel a lot, you often use Sunday to do the dirty laundry.
But the question quickly arises, especially in rental apartments: is that allowed at all? After all, the rattling of the washing machine can cause noise. So what does the legal situation look like? Can I wash laundry on Sundays and what regulations apply to tenants? Here are the answers!
Reading tip:
Washing machine belongs to a socially adequate noise impairment
Would you like to start the washing machine on Sundays and have the device in your rental apartment? Then you have probably already wondered if this is actually allowed. Here we can calm you down directly. Wash was also allowed in the apartment on Sundays and on public holidays.
Because, like noise from a vacuum cleaner, the sound of the washing machine also belongs to so -called "socially adequate noise impairment". At least as long as the background noise does not exceed the room volume specified on rest.
However, since many devices are very quiet according to modern standards, you don't have to worry. And can therefore also use Sunday for washing the laundry - and it doesn't matter whether the washing machine is in the apartment or in the shared laundry room.
Which regulations apply to washing the laundry on rest days?
Basically, there are no legal regulations on Sunday washing washing. Sunday according to Art. 140 Basic Law, Sunday is the rest day. However, you can still use the washing machine, as well as on public holidays.
Because washing the laundry is part of the permissible rental use. As a end of the rental, you are in the obligation to consider the neighborhood mutual. Basically, neighbors cannot ban the laundry washing at room volume. The Cologne District Court decided that otherwise there is an inappropriate disadvantage of rental ends.
Nevertheless, you should take a look at the house rules and check the specified rest periods. Because fixed rest periods can also be specified in the rental agreement and must be observed, especially in the case of noisy apartments out of consideration.
Also read:
Wash washing on Sundays: What should I pay attention to?
So that the neighborhood does not complain about noise from your apartment, the question naturally arises: When is the washing machine too loud? The following applies: As with the use of other household appliances, the noises of the washing machine should be oriented in the usual frame and room volume should not be exceeded.
With modern devices, however, this is usually the case and the noises are also completely ok on Sundays or on public holidays. However, if your apartment is particularly noisy or if you have a very loud washing machine, you should avoid washing the laundry from 10 p.m. for the benefit of your neighborhood. The only exception: Due to your working hours, you have no other option than washing your laundry at night.
How is the living situation with you? Have you already experienced experience with noise pollution or other disputes in your neighborhood? You are welcome to tell us on Instagram or Facebook, as well as in our forum about your experiences.