Treating canker sores - symptoms and top 8 natural home remedies that can effectively combat mouth ulcers

When you treat canker sores, you're usually dealing with small mouth ulcers or recurrent aphthous stomatitis. In most cases, their shape is oval with red-rimmed flat lesions in the mouth. Mouth rot occurs primarily in the mouth area and possibly on the inside of the lips. Such ulcers are more common in teenagers and young adults, as well as women. However, there are some ways to treat these painful, small sores easily and naturally.

Treat common aphthous ulcers

Minor mouth ulcers are the most common type of mouth rot. They usually heal without scarring within one to two weeks. However, other types of canker sores can stay in the oral cavity for up to six weeks until they heal and leave severe scarring. Herpetic ulcers heal in one to two weeks without scarring.

Signs and symptoms of canker sores

  • Burning or tingling sensation in the mouth.
  • Bleeding and painful gums.
  • Lumps or mass growth on the gums.
  • Wounds are usually painful.
  • Difficulty speaking and swallowing.
  • A painful red spot in the mouth.
  • A small, oval ulcer in the mouth.
  • Discomfort or pain when brushing your teeth.

What most commonly causes mouth ulcers?

  • Spicy, sour, or citrus fruits and vegetables can trigger ulcers.
  • A diet lacking vitamin B-12 can also cause this.
  • Weakness of the immune system.
  • anxiety, emotional stress,Smoking and regular tobacco consumption,as well as other environmental factors.
  • Skin that is already irritated.
  • Allergy to certain bacteria in the mouth.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease.
  • Menstruation.
  • Certain medications, such as aspirin, oral nicotine, and chemotherapy drugs.

Which natural home remedies help?

  • Above all, avoid eating spicy or acidic foods such as lemons or tomatoes, as these seem to irritate the mouth.
  • Additionally, practice good oral hygiene and habits such as using a soft-bristled brush.
  • Carrot and cantaloupe juices are also helpful as effective home remedies.
  • Use cotton swabs to apply some of the mixtures directly to the wound.
  • Vitamin C and vitamin B complex supplements can speed healing when taken orally. However, only take these if directed by a doctor.
  • Drinking chamomile tea with honey has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat mouth ulcers.
  • Use mouthwash when treating canker sores as it reduces the number of bacteria that can irritate the area.
  • Applying aloe vera gel directly to the anti-inflammatory area can help soothe irritation, heal the skin, and reduce inflammation and pain as it has anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effects.

In most cases, mouth ulcers go away on their own within a week. If certain signs or symptoms last more than two weeks, or frequent outbreaks make it difficult to eat and drink, or if you develop a high fever along with canker sores and other allergic reactions last more than two weeks without improving, it's time , seek medical help and a dentist.