Why shouldn't you sleep on your stomach? These are possible consequences & alternatives

If you love sleeping on your stomach, you are not alone. A surprising number of people feel this waySleeping position comfortableand downright comfortable. But is it bad to sleep on your stomach? We have some bad news that may not be new to you, but that many stomach sleepers try to ignore: sleeping on your stomach is unhealthy. We'll explain why this is the case and what you can do.

Why is it unhealthy to sleep on your stomach?

If you were hoping that sleeping on your stomach was healthy, you were unfortunately wrong. The reason for this is, on the one hand, that when you lie down you have to turn your head to the side in order to be able to breathe. This is bad for the neck. On the other hand, most of the weight falls on the middle area of ​​the body and on the spine.

Pain and other possible consequences

You probably won't feel pain or other discomfort, such as fatigue, immediately after the first few nights. But over time they will definitely become noticeable. Sleeping on your stomach can cause back pain, but also pain in the neck.

Since there are numerous nerves running along the spine, which then branch out and run through the entire body, it may well be that you are struggling with pain in completely different places that are not actually related to your spine, let alone your stomach would connect. A tingling or numb feeling in your arms and legs also indicates that your sleeping position is unfavorable.

The result of constant discomfort or even pain is that you don't get enough sleep. When you sleep on your stomach, you often wake up due to the uncomfortable or even painful pose for the body. Ultimately, you feel unrested and tired the next morning.

A twisted neck can cause more than just temporary pain. This pose, which is unnatural for the spine, could lead to really unpleasant neck problems in the long runto a herniated discenough (yes, this is also possible in the cervical spine).

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

Sleeping on your stomach is also dangerous during pregnancy. When you're late in your pregnancy, it's almost impossible to sleep on your stomach, so you won't even be tempted. But you should know that you should avoid it right from the start of your pregnancy. Sleeping on your stomach and being pregnant causes two problems: The baby has less space because it becomes tight between your spine and the mattress. In addition, the additional weight is not good for the spine itself.

We remember that when lying on your stomach, most of the weight falls on your back. And this weight naturally increases several times during pregnancy. So instead of sleeping on your stomach while pregnant, it's better to choose a different position. According to a medical study from 2012, lying on your side and specifically the left side is optimal. According to her, the blood flows best in this position and can therefore supply both you and the baby with sufficient oxygen.

Sleeping on your stomach – What can you do to prevent possible problems?

Especially those who are used to this sleeping position cannot imagine how they can avoid sleeping on their stomach. However, as you now know, it would be beneficial to change your habits or at least try to reduce sleeping on your stomach. But if nothing helps and you can just leave it alone, at least follow the following tips to avoid possible problems as a result.

  • The Mayo Clinic recommends that you sleep on your stomach without a pillow under your head. In addition, a pillow under the stomach and hips relieves the strain on the spine and makes the position more comfortable for the entire body. You can'tsleep without a pillow, use as thin as possible. Or try getting used to sleeping without a pillow by using a folded towel and gradually unfolding it.
  • A few minutes of exercise combined with stretching exercisesMorning ritualare generally a good idea. If you continue to sleep on your stomach, it is particularly recommended to prevent pain. Start with a little exercise to warm up and then carefully stretch your neck, back and of course all other parts of your body. This will prepare your muscles for the day ahead and strengthen them while your body comes back into harmony.

Read more about the topic inMayo Clinic articleand in theStudy on the best sleeping position during pregnancy.