Some people can't live without it, others can't live with it - the pillow is a companion in bed that is sometimes quite questionable. Some people claim that it is better to sleep without a pillow, while others believe that a pillow is beneficial for the spine. But what is true now? Should you sleep with or without a pillow?
Sleeping without a pillow or with one – a question of comfort and sleeping position
As already mentioned, for many people it is simply more comfortable with a large, cozy pillow. Nevertheless, it proves to be unfavorable for some sleeping positions, while it is better for the spine in others. And that's exactly what the pillow is used for - to support the neck and especially the spine. The University of Rochester Medical Center conducted a study on this.
Stomach sleeper
The result was that sleeping without a pillow is healthier for stomach sleepers. This is because in this position the spine assumes a relaxed shape in which the vertebrae do not press on the intervertebral discs. The spine is in a relatively normal position. Nevertheless, that isSleeping on your stomachnot necessarily recommended, as in this pose the neck is turned to the side, which in turn puts strain on it.
But if you absolutely cannot avoid sleeping on your stomach, you should at least leave out the pillow. Just imagine it visually: If your head is lying on your stomach on a pillow, no matter how flat it is, the neck will also be elevated and bent backwards, which means an unnatural position for the spine. Tendons, muscles and joints are stretched and pulled. Instead, use a pillow to slightly raise your stomach and hips. In this way theSpine relieved.
Sleeping without a pillow – side sleepers and back sleepers
And is it unhealthy to sleep without a pillow if you have another one?Sleeping position preferred? The rule here is that sleeping without a pillow is healthier,not. Anyone who sleeps on their side in particular needs support for their neck, otherwise the cervical spine will bend slightly downwards and this may even lead to neck pain. Instead, a pillow with a suitable height ensures that your spine is in a natural (S-shaped) and, above all, relaxed position. It is therefore important not to choose a pillow that is either too high or too low.
Sleep with or without a pillow if you have neck pain?
If you suffer from neck pain and sleep mostly on your stomach, it could be related to the pillow. If you sleep without a pillow, you may be able to alleviate the discomfort. But the position itself can also cause neck pain. As already mentioned, the muscles are strained by the side positioning of the head.
The wrong pillow can also cause pain in other positions. If the neck is not properly supported, the muscles cannot relax, which can lead to pain over time. However, since there are no adequate studies on this (so far only thecorrect types of pillowsexamined for each sleeping position, but not whether sleeping without a pillow is unhealthy or healthy), you should seek advice from your doctor before you decide to ban the pillow from the bedroom.
Sleeping on your stomach without a pillow – tips
If you have decided not to use the pillow in the future, you should gradually get your body used to it. This is especially true if you have always used a pillow. You should keep this in mind to protect your spine, including your neckDon't put unnecessary strain on your back:
Reduce the height step by step
Don't suddenly give up your pillow overnight just because you finally want to sleep without a pillow. Instead, take a blanket or towel and fold it several times. You will now sleep on it for a few nights, after which you will gradually unfold it at smaller intervals. This way, the sudden difference won't disturb your night's sleep.
Sleeping healthily without a pillow or not quite?
As already mentioned, a pillow is also recommended when lying on your stomach - just not under your head, but under your pelvis and stomach. When lying on your back, you benefit from not only supporting your head, but also placing another head under your knees. However, if you sleep on your side, it is best to add another pillow in addition to your pillow. Place this between your legs at knee height. You're sure to notice the difference straight away!
The mattress also plays a role
A comfortable and restful sleep cannot depend on the pillow alone. Especially if you sleep on your stomach (but not only), the mattress should not be too soft, because then the spine will sag downwards and that is an unnatural position. So please let us know tooPurchasing the mattressprofessional advice.
So sleeping without a pillow is not recommended, even if it means using the pillow in a different position. While you benefit from the pillow when lying on your side or back, your head and neck should not be raised by a pillow when lying on your stomach. In all cases, depending on your sleeping position, pillows are recommended under your stomach, pelvis and knees or between your legs.
Pain in the neckor back can be caused by the incorrect use of pillows, but can also have another cause. In some cases, sleeping without a pillow could not only be unhealthy, but even dangerous (including spinal diseases). Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor before avoiding the pillow.
You can find the study from the University of Rochester Medical Centerhere.