In Asian countries, particularly Japan, fermented soybeans and numerous types of soy products are consumed. In a new study, scientists claim thatthis foodcould extend life. However, the researchers also emphasize that the results should be interpreted with caution. They may have been influenced by unmeasured factors.
Consume fermented soybeans healthily
So it is still unclear whether various soy products, in particularfermented soy products, associated with specific health effects. A team of researchers in Japan therefore examined the association between different types of soy and death from any cause (all-cause mortality), as well as from cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and injury.
They base their results on 42,750 men and 50,165 women aged 45 to 74. Subjects participated in a study in 11 areas of the Japanese public health center. Participants completed detailed questionnaires about their dietary habits, lifestyle and health status. The research team determined the deaths over an observation period of almost 15 years using residential records and death certificates.
The researchers found that higher intake offermented foodshow soy was associated with a significantly lower risk (10%) of all deaths, but total intake of soy products was not associated with all deaths. Men and women who ate nattō also had a lower risk of cardiovascular mortality. However, there was no association between soy intake and cancer-related mortality.
Research results
These results remained even after further adjustment for vegetable intake, which was higher in those who consumed more fermented soybeans. The authors note that fermented soy products are richer in fiber, potassium and bioactive components than their non-fermented counterparts. This could help explain their associations. However, this is an observational study, so no reason can be determined. The researchers cannot therefore rule out that some of the observed risk is due to other unmeasured factors. For this reason they come to the following conclusion:
“In this large prospective study conducted in Japan with high soy consumption, no significant association was found between total soy product intake and all-cause mortality. In contrast, the intake of fermented soy products (nattō and miso). This suggests a lower risk of associated mortality.”
Growing evidence suggests that fermented soy products are linked to health benefits, researchers write in a linked editorial. Whether people eat these products depends on their food culture. However, some countries already include soy and fermented soy products in their dietary guidelines.
However, more studies are still needed “to refine our understanding of the health effects of fermented soy and potentially advance the development of healthier and tastier products.” These efforts should not only be forResearchers in studies, but also be cooperative for policy makers and the food industry.”