Prevent cardiovascular disease: A simple method helps keep your weight down

There's a new, simple method that helps keep weight down and prevent cardiovascular disease. Doctor Ulrik Wislöff, the inventor of the “fitness age” concept, has developed an idea that he calls Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI). He created an algorithm that shows you, through a single score, how much exercise you need to achieve maximum protection against cardiovascular disease. Simply put, the better your PAI, the betterhealthier and fitteryou will be and the longer you will live.

Prevent cardiovascular disease: Not only physical activity, but also the type of stress play a role in heart health

This concept was introduced in 2016The American Journal of Medicine, published. The researcher and his team tested 70,535 participants between the ages of 20 and 74 in a study. It was found that heart rate depends not only on physical activity (e.g. 10,000 steps a day), but also on the type of exercise. This is explained using the following example: A woman named Dalia walks 20 minutes to work and back home. She also goes for a 45 minute walk in the park. Although she met her targeted daily activity of 10,000 steps, her heart rate remained low and the overall health benefits remained poor.

The researchers claim that a 100-point weekly PAI can protect people from cardiovascular disease and ensure they live longer, healthier lives. Wilsöff and his team have published an app in which you can enter your activities. But you need a heart monitor for that.
In a new study published in The Lancet Regional Health-Europe in 2021, researchers shifted the focus from longevity to weight management. They analyzed data from 85,000 participants and found that going from 0 PAI to 100 PAI (or more) is associated with lower weight and better health outcomes.

What does this mean in real-world terms? “A 100 PAI can be achieved through the weekly combination of 60 minutes of brisk walking, 40 minutes of cycling, 50 minutes of swimming, 30 minutes of dance/aerobics and 20 minutes of running.”