Anyone who has one at least once in their lifeOmelet in a Teflon panhas prepared, knows the problem: Food keeps sticking in the middle. The non-stick coating doesn't seem to be able to help either. But why is this happening? Researchers from the Czech Republic have found an answer to the question.
Teflon pan: This is why the omelet sticks despite the non-stick coating
The reason why food sticks even in a Teflon pan is quite simple. As the oil in the non-stick pan heats up, its tension changes. The oil slowly moves from the very hot center to the very slightly hot edge of the pan. As a result, the middle of the pan remains dry and the omelet burns. At least this can be avoided with Teflon pans, but the hobby cook still has problems turning the omelet.
How can you prevent annoying sticking? Some tricks can help with this. The easiest way to do this is to add a lot more oil to the pan than usual. However, this makes the food too fatty and unhealthy. Another option is to invest in a high-quality copper pan or a Teflon pan with a thick bottom. Dry spots in the middle are much less common there. This is because copper has very good thermal conductivity. Even in pans with a thick base, the heat can be distributed evenly. And if you don't want to give up your favorite pan, you can simply remove the pan from the heat every now and then and stir the food well. This will redistribute the oil and allow the center to cool down a bit.
For the scientists, the focus of the study was of course not on the omelet and the Tefal pan. They wanted to find a solution for the industry. It also happens that the heat is not evenly distributed across certain electrical components. This means that certain parts can become too hot and accidents can occur.