Sleeping too long: Why is sleeping in unhealthy?

Everyone dreams of being able to relax on the weekend. Along sleepis, of course, part of the program for most people. This is how we try to recharge our batteries for the coming work week. But the reality is completely different: After getting up, our body doesn't want to wake up properly and it takes significantly longer for us to get going. In fact, researchers confirm that sleeping too little or sleeping too long can be unhealthy. Late risers are said to get sick more often and suffer from back pain and headaches more often. Not only can long sleep have a negative impact on our health, it can also be a symptom of diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.

Sleeping too long: How much sleep do we need?

When is sleep too much and how many hours a day does our body need so that we can recover? For years, the optimal sleep duration was set at eight hours. A new study conducted by researchers at the American Society for Sleep Medicine shows that the optimal amount of sleep for adults (18-64 years old) is between 7 and 9 hours. However, the scientists explain that these values ​​should only serve as a guide. Ultimately, sleep is something individual and our body dictates how long we sleep. According to studies, around 2% of the world's population are late risers. On average, these people sleep 2 hours longer. As a rule, sleeping habits are formed in childhood and then they hardly change.

What negative consequences does long sleep have on our health?

As a rule, between 7 and 9 hours of sleep is enough for most people. Anyone who sleeps significantly longer should seek advice from a sleep doctor. Because it could be that you simply ignore your sleeping habits and oversleep. If this is the case, there are certain health risks. Late risers are threatened, among other things:

  • Cognitive disorders
  • Depression
  • infertility
  • Overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • stroke

Some scientists even claim that late sleepers experience pain more intensely and suffer from inflammation more often.

Sleeping too long: Can long sleep affect our brain?

When we fall asleep, the activity of the nerve cells in the brain decreases. The blood that has accumulated there flows out of our head. Cerebrospinal fluid also flows away, flushing away toxins from the brain. If the toxic proteins remain in our brain, they can lead to memory problems. But sleeping too long can also lead to difficulty concentrating.

1. Researchers from San Francisco conducted an experiment. The subjects were divided into two groups. The participants who slept more than 7 hours a day formed the first group. The other group consisted of people who sleep 7 hours a day. All participants should do Lumosity brain training exercises. The first group completed the tasks significantly more slowly than the second group. Other studies suggest that sleeping too long is associated with reduced cognitive function and memory impairment.

2. Sleeping too long can also trigger Alzheimer's disease. An extensive study from the University Hospital in Madrid, Spain also found that long sleepRisk factor for dementiais.

3. Sleep-related illnesses such as depression may worsen. As a rule, many patients with depression suffer from sleep disorders; around 15% of those affected admit that they sleep far too much. They are at high risk of inheriting their tendency to depression. Long risers also suffer more often from anxiety disorders. Sleep deprivation helps many patients. In recent years, sleep doctors have tried to treat patients with depression with wake therapy. For the majority of them (around 60% to 80%), the method produces positive results after just a few days.

Those who sleep too long are more likely to suffer from chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's. People who smoke, are overweight or have other infections are more likely to suffer from itchronic inflammation. But the amount of sleep you get can also play a role.

It is not easy to diagnose chronic inflammation. Certain blood values ​​such as the concentration of a C-reactive protein are an indication of inflammation in the body. An increase in CRP concentration is due to viral or bacterial infections. Sleep duration can also be a symptom of such inflammation. A new study conducted by sleep doctor Michael Grandner examines the connection between long sleep and chronic inflammation. The research team found that

  • Women who sleep more than 9 hours a day have a 44% higher CRP concentration in their blood than women who sleep 7 hours a day.
  • Our CRP levels increase by 8% per hour when we sleep more than 8 hours a day.
  • The majority of people who sleep less than five hours or more than nine hours a day have elevated CRP levels.

Why is sleeping for long periods unhealthy? Because we perceive pain more intensely after a long sleep

Intuitively, we want to withdraw when we are feeling bad. Even when we feel pain, we prefer to lie down and try to relax and fall asleep. In many cases, however, this can mean that when we wake up we experience the pain even more intensely than before. Back pain and neck tension can worsen if we don't move and spend too much time lying in bed. A mattress that is too hard or too soft and an unfavorable lying position are also among the main causes of cramps. If you sleep too long, you risk getting headaches. Sleep periods too longcan cause migraine attackstrigger. These headaches are not due to sleep itself, but to other factors such as stress. But most people want to relieve everyday stress by taking a nap or sleeping in, especially on the weekend. So if you feel overtired at the weekend, you should first try yoga and meditation to counteract the stress.

Why is sleeping too long unhealthy? Can the amount of sleep you get affect fertility?

Scientists and doctors have long known that certain illnesses and an unhealthy lifestyle can have a negative impact on fertility. A new study from South Korea shows the connection between the amount of sleep and fertility in women. As part of the study, researchers examined the medical records of women who underwent IVF treatment. They found that 53% of women who slept 7 hours a day became pregnant. In comparison, only 43% of women who sleep over 9 hours a day have become pregnant. The scientists assume that the longer sleep is hormonally related. The very hormones that are responsible for the patient's infertility can lead to increased sleep duration.

Are people who sleep too long really at risk of diabetes?

It has long been suspected that long sleep can be caused by illnesses such as diabetes. There are currently several studies that demonstrate a connection between diabetes and long periods of sleep. Sleeping too short and too long are both considered potential triggers for diabetes 2. Longer periods of sleep can also lead to weight gain. Around 20% of patients who sleep more than 9 hours a day are overweight.

Heart disease and strokes in late risers

Heart attacks and strokes are in the top 5 leading causes of death nationwide. The genetic makeup, everyday stress and lifestyle can promote the development of heart disease. But the amount of sleep we get can also have a negative impact on our heart. Researchers at Vancouver General Hospital evaluated a database containing medical records from more than 71,000 women in Canada. They found a connection between the length of the sleep period and the risk of heart disease. The participants with a long sleep (between 9 and 11 hours) had a 38% higher risk of heart attack than the subjects with a healthy sleep (8 hours).

Scientists from the University of Cambridge evaluated a European database with patient files from over 9,700 people. Over the course of 11 years, they recorded all of the participants' cardiovascular diseases and divided them into different groups. After an in-depth analysis of the files, they found that the risk of a stroke increased by 46% in late risers. The risk of a stroke increased by 90% among people who not only slept longer at night but also took naps during the day. The researchers suspect that long sleep could be a warning sign of an impending stroke.

Why is sleeping too long unhealthy? Sleep disorders

Obesity, diabetes, heart and strokes: the future doesn't look bright for late risers. It has also recently been found that people who sleep too long die earlier. Because too much sleep can significantly increase the risk of death. According to Dr. Michael Grandner, researcher at the University of Arizona:

1. Sleep periods that are too long lead to sleep fragmentation. Those affected cannot recover properly and are exhausted, sleepy and often fall asleep involuntarily during the day. Fatigue reduces quality of life and leads to a higher frequency of accidents.

2. Fatigue and lethargy go hand in hand for most late risers. The more you sleep, the slower your body wakes up when you get up.

3. Long sleep can weaken our immune system and thus throw the body out of balance. This makes late risers more susceptible to viruses.

4. People who sleep too long also have less time for sports and other activities that keep the body fit.

5. Sometimes the drowsiness and increased amount of sleep are a symptom of other, yet undiagnosed diseases.

Is the long sleep a trigger or a symptom?

According to all the information that researchers and doctors have compiled, only one question remains unanswered. Is the long sleep a trigger or a symptom? Some doctors assume that healthy people simply need little sleep to recover. A possible answer can be provided by a short-term study during which healthy test subjects change their sleeping habits and have to sleep longer. However, many people simply do not know their sleep rhythm or often forget to take a break in their hectic everyday lives. But the hope of “catching up” on sleep at the weekend is in vain. It is much better to try to improve the quality of your sleep.

Tips for a healthy sleep

There are preventive measures you can take to avoid sleeping too late on the weekend.

1. Aim to sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night.

2. Don't sleep longer on the weekends because it disrupts your sleep rhythm. You will feel the consequences in the coming week: you will have difficulty falling asleep.

3. Invest in a daylight alarm clock. It emits gradually brighter light and in this way simulates a sunrise.

4. Avoid taking an afternoon nap. It can also lead to sleep disorders and make it much more difficult to fall asleep in the evening.

5. A sleep routine doesn't just help toddlers. Adults who go to sleep at the same time every day and wake up at the same time in the morning are also healthier.

If you have improved your sleeping habits and still sleep more than 9 hours every night, it is worth seeking advice from your family doctor or a sleep doctor. It could be that your body simply needs more rest, or that you are one of the 2% of people who generally need more sleep. In some cases, long sleep can indicate certain illnesses.

Regarding the study fromResearch team from the Children's Hospital in Ontario, Canada

About the study byResearchers from San Francisco, the United States

About the study byResearchers from Madrid, Spain