Choosing a desk chair for children – what should you consider?

Sitting in an adult chair for short periods of time would not be harmful to children, but they need a chair that is adjustable and adjustable depending on the child's size. A chair that is too high for the child could cause neck and back problems. When it comes to painting, playing or doing homework, the desk chair for children is used. Below you will find out what else needs to be taken into account when purchasing.

There are various regulations and guidelines that provide a starting point when purchasing the chair, but can also be followedindividual needsvary. As a rule, toddlers and 2-year-olds need chairs that are 15 to 20 centimeters high. Buy 25-30 cm chairs for preschoolers and first graders. Children between 9 and 12 years old need chairs that are 35-40 centimeters high.

To determine the optimal chair height, the child's feet must be flat on the floor. A flexion angle of 90 degrees should be created at the knee joints. If the chair was designed according to ergonomic aspects, the backrest should be flexible not only in height but also in inclination. The backrest should provide good support for the back below the shoulder blades and at the edge of the pelvis, so that sitting upright is effortless for the child. There should be at least four centimeters of space between the top edge of the seat and the crook of your leg. The elbow should be at the same height as the table top or slightly lower.

An optimally adapted chair ensures postural stability so that they can perform fine motor tasks such as drawing and cutting with scissors. And a plus for parents: if the chair is comfortable, children can stay at the desk longer and do something quietly. Also make sure that all corners and edges are rounded so that children do not injure themselves while playing and running around.