Make farewell gifts for the kindergarten for the teacher

A big phase of your child's life is over and the next one will soon begin: school time. But before that, you'll probably want to say "thank you" to the daycare teachers with a small gift. Homemade things are always something special, so we looked for a few ideas.

There are numerous options for farewell gifts for kindergarten, but it doesn't have to be anything complicated. In the end, it's the gesture that counts and that it comes from the heart. In addition to the actual gift, you can also prepare a card thanking the teacher for the past few years.

Sweets in a jar for the teacher

Those:@kelly.oyster/ Instagram

But not just in a glass, because you can decorate it with a pencil tip to suit the occasion. Not a real one, of course, but a homemade one made of paper.

Those:@kelly.oyster/ Instagram
  • Fill a mason jarwith any sweets: candies, chocolates, foam sugar crowns, gummy bears or whatever else you can think of.
  • Close the jar with its lid.
  • Cut out a semicircle from beige paper and make the round edge jagged.
Those:@kelly.oyster/ Instagram
  • Apply glue to the middle of the straight edge and roll the paper up to form a funnel.
  • Paint the tip of the funnel black.
  • Apply glue to the edge of the lid and attach the pencil tip.
  • Tie a bow underneath with a ribbon. You can also attach a thank you card or voucher to this beforehand.
Those:@kelly.oyster/ Instagram

Give away a picture as a souvenir from the whole group

Does the gift come from the whole group or should part of it come from everyone? Then a framed picture with the children's names (each child writes it down themselves, of course) would be a great idea.

Those:@lifebetweensummers/ Instagram

Download oneany templateDownload and label them. You can also add the teacher's name. Then pass the selected picture around so that each child can immortalize themselves in it.

A notice:If the rectangular shape of the template does not fit the selected frame, you can still crop the motif. Square frames are often chosen so that you can simply cut off the excess. For this reason, we left enough free space around the motif.

Build or buy an insect hotel as decoration for the daycare center

Photo: mykhailo pavlenko/ Shutterstock

You can buy an insect hotel and then give it as a gift with a picture with the children's names on it. Additionally, give the children the opportunity to decorate the hotel in any way they want to make it unique. A few bright colors or patterns and motifs are enough to make the gift unique.

Homemade hotel from cans and wool

Those:@franzworks/ Instagram

Alternatively, you can also create your own model together with them by using aRecycle canand redesign.

  • Clean the can and let it dry well.
  • Wrap them with wool of an appropriate color depending on the insect selected. To do this, add a drop of glue at intervals while wrapping.
  • Add legs made of wool threads and beads and googly eyes.
  • Use a nail and hammer to poke a hole in the ground and thread yarn through it for hanging.
  • Fill the can with materials such as twigs, corrugated cardboard, straw, and small pine cones.
Those:@franzworks/ Instagram

Give the graduation gift for the daycare teachers along with thisPrintable templateor oneof these designs. The children write their names around the insects. The insect hotel can then stay in the daycare center and decorate the yard or be for the teacher's garden.