Painting leaves is so easy! Try these beautiful ideas yourself!

Crafting with leaves is one way to use the autumnal natural material. Another option would be to use them instead of paper and design them with colors. Don't you think it would be a wonderful idea? How and with what can you paint leaves?

Pretty patterns and motifs with acrylic paints, glitter pens and 3D pens transform each leaf into a small work of art, which you can then display in the form of a garland.

Painting fresh or dried leaves?

Painting on both variants works very well. Which of these is better depends on how you want to use it afterwards.

  • You can use fresh leaves if you want to dispose of them straight away. Because as soon as they start to dry, the edges curl up or the foliage becomes otherwise deformed. But the colors are usually stronger.
  • However, if you want to display your works of art for a while (for example on a mobile, a garland or even on the refrigerator), it is advisable to press the collected leaves first. The colors usually fade a little, but your “canvas” will last longer. You can learn how to dry leaves properlyread here.

Design a galaxy with a heart in the middle on a maple leaf

With cool techniques and tools you can paint dried leaves andcreate a galaxy.

  • dried leaves (they don't necessarily have to be maple leaves)
  • Acrylic paints in black, purple, pink, light blue, green and white
  • Tupfpinsel
  • round sponge brush
  • black markers
  • toothbrush
  • Dotting tool for nails
  • thin cardboard or paper
  • tape

This is how it's done:

  • Cut a heart or any other shape out of cardboard or paper and glue it to the center of the sheet.
  • Paint the leaf completely with black paint and let it dry.
  • Use a stippling brush to design the black surface with typical space colors and let everything dry.
  • Dip the brush in white paint and spread splatters over the leaf (don't forget to spread a base) by running your finger over the bristles.
  • You can use the dotting tool to dab some larger stars here and there.
  • Once the paints have dried, you can remove the cardboard and trace the edges of the sheet with a black marker to create a nice outline.
  • If you wish, you can seal the surface with napkin glue.

Quick idea for kindergarten

Small children's patience is limited, so projects at this age should always be as simple and quick as possible. In this case, you can simply provide them with the sheets and use them as they pleaselet paint. The leaves can then be used for a mobile or a curtain for the windows. Or you can make fall garlands. This can then be used to create the group room or thatDecorate classrooms.

Painting landscapes on red leaves

You can perfectly integrate the original color of the leaf into an image. For example, a red leaf is a great base for painting a sunset landscape. And for a beautiful picture you neednot even great painting talent. How about such a simple mountain landscape?

  • blue acrylic paints in different shades (6 in the example, although black can also be used instead of the darkest blue); mix them yourself with white acrylic paint
  • fine brush and a thicker one for coloring
  • white acrylic paint
  • red or orange leaf

How to paint leaves for a mountain:

  • Start with the back row of mountains, which is also the highest, and work your way down for the low mountains.
  • Always paint the new row once the previous one has dried. Make sure they overlap the colors.
  • The lowest and last level are conifers, which you paint with a fine brush.
  • If you want, you can also paint clouds or a setting sun.

Also interesting:Make an autumn wreath out of leaves: You should try these simple DIY ideas for door decoration!

Painting leaves with watercolors

If you thought that watercolors were unsuitable for creating the smooth surfaces of leaves, you were absolutely right. But there's a cool trick you can use to change that:

  • First paint the leaf with a white (or other light) acrylic paint.
  • Allow them to dry thoroughly.
  • Now paint beautiful onesPatterns and motifs with watercolors. Let the colors flow nicely into one another.
  • You can also first draw motifs with fineliners and then color them in with the colors. Mandalas on leaves, for example, look very beautiful.

Chalk pens are also good for painting or designing leaves as desired. Or how about the so-called Pearl Makers, with which you can create three-dimensional points?

Painting leaves for foxes

Who knew that making foxes from leaves could be so easy? You only need white and black acrylic paints and you can see how to paint with them in the picture above. Also don't forget to cut the leaves to get the pointed fox ears.

Create colorful patterns with any colors

Create beautiful images with acrylic or markers and stamps

Winter image in blue and white with a tree on a maple leaf

Also try:Paint autumn pictures with children & these cool techniques!