Box as an anniversary gift for him

Your anniversary is approachingand you're wondering what you could give the love of your life? While the choice for women is usually quite simple (e.g. jewelry, cosmetics or a romantic weekend), it can be a real challenge for women to come up with something suitable for this important day. And especially when a few years have passed, you can run out of ideas. But don't always think about big and overpriced gifts. Sometimes even something small is worth a lot and shows no less the love and affection you feel for your boyfriend or husband. How about just preparing a box as an anniversary gift for him this year? There are various options available to you and we would like to introduce you to a few that you can use as inspiration.

Box as an anniversary gift for him - pull out photo box

Let's start with an idea that's guaranteed to make you smile or, with the right photos, even a real laugh. A pull-out photo box is a box that contains a garlandwith photosis hidden. This garland can be stuck to the bottom and lid of the box, stick only to the bottom and pull out with a loop, or be removable. And of course you have free choice for the photos.

Since the box is intended as an anniversary gift for him, it obviously makes sense for the two of you to be pictured in the photos. Choose a few romantic, exciting, funny and beautiful moments that you have captured throughout your relationship. You are welcome to have one toospecial photo sessionorganize it for both of you, but of course without you revealing what the photos are intended for. And this is how you make the box:

  • Box made of wood or cardboard, which you can also make yourself
  • Appropriately sized photos
  • colored paper to stick the photos on
  • Scissors, glue, ruler, pencil
  • Pens for writing
  • cord

Make a photo box as an anniversary gift for him

Place the construction paper in front of you and arrange the photos on top of each other. Once you've decided on the spacing between photos, double it because you'll be folding the strip later. You can then measure the distance between the photo and the fold and mark the same length in several places on the sides of the photos. This way you will later get a nice frame around each photo. Also plan a piece without a photo that you can glue to the bottom of the box later. Then cut out the strip thus obtained. Stick the photos on it and fold it like an accordion in the marked places, i.e. once outwards, then inwards again, outwards again and so on.

Glue a piece of string to the top in the form of a loop. Glue the other end into the bottom of the box. The garland can then be pulled up using the string. You can also attach the upper end to the lid. But then also plan a part for the top end of the garland without a photo. Instead of the last photo, you can also write a small messageAdd declaration of love.

You can also take the box with you as an anniversary gift for hima little confettior fill them with little surprises like candies to make them even more interesting and festive. Finally, you can write on the lid and the box is ready. If you use a wooden box, you can even use a soldering iron to label it and make the gift box even more interesting for him.

Make your own paper box

Would you like that too?Make your own box, you only need craft cardboard or paper for this purpose. The instructions are very easy to implement and are guaranteed to be fun.

Place a piece of paper of any color in front of you and fold one corner diagonally. Cut off the strip that sticks out afterwards. Then fold the other corner to the opposite side and then unfold it again. The folds will serve as a guide for you later. Now fold the paper crosswise in the middle, then unfold it again and then up to the middle fold you just got. Repeat on the opposite side and then with the other two sides. You should end up with a grid of 16 squares.

Now fold each corner to the center point. You unfold two opposite corners again, but not the other two. Instead, fold the unfolded sides to the center line. Then stand the sides upright, use your thumbs to press the folds inwards and the corners pointing outwards over the resulting outer wall, as in the instructions (number 16). Press everything down nice and tight. The box should now be stable enough and no longer fold apart. But you can also use additional glue. Make the lid in the same way.

Instead of photos, vouchers for the box as an anniversary gift for him

Photos are too banal for your partner or have you already made a box like this for him as an anniversary gift? Then you could use vouchers instead of photos. Onepleasant massage, a romantic dinner, a pub crawl with mutual friends, a cinema, swimming pool, sauna or wellness visit and breakfast in bed are really great ideas that you can choose from. But of course these are not all the possibilities. You know your partner best and know what they might like.


A really very interesting and exciting option for an anniversary box for him is the so-called explosion box. It usually consists of several layers and can be filled with messages, congratulations, photos, confetti, small vouchers and many other things. The special thing about this type of box is that it is held together by the lid. As soon as you take it off, it falls apart and reveals its elaborate interior. A really great surprise that is guaranteed to make an impression. A few examples forChristmas explosion boxeswe have already shown you. Here comes another guide:

Make the base for the box as an anniversary gift for him

You will need a square piece of paper (30cm side length) that you can cut in the same way as for the paper box from the instructions above. Instead of A4 paper, you can also choose A3 for a larger box. Then fold the square so that you get a grid of 9 squares. To do this, you can use a ruler, measure the sides, divide by three and mark these points on all sides (every 10 cm in the example). Place the ruler at two opposite points and fold the paper inwards.

The next step is a little trickier. Start by laying the square in front of you so that the outside of the folds are facing down. Then fold the four squares at the corners diagonally in the opposite direction, so to speak into the inside of the large square of paper. You will receive the base of the box as an anniversary gift for him, which, when folded like this, falls apart without the lid. Then you can craft the inside, letting your imagination run wild. In the example, strips were made in different lengths and widths like for the photo boxcovered with photosand glued lengthways alternately in all directions into the base of the box.

Design the inside and make a lid

But you can also add small bags instead of photos in which youInsert vouchers. The many layers make the box particularly interesting. There is space in the middle for a small gift. Then all you need is a lid. For the box made of a 30 cm square, you will need a square with a side of 18 cm for the lid. Fold the sides as shown in the sketch above so that you get 4 cm wide strips at the edges. Then fold the squares in the corners inwards like you did for the base of the box as an anniversary gift for him, except that you have to glue them in place afterwards so that the lid doesn't fall apart.

This type of anniversary gift box for him is similar to a picture frame, except that there is enough space in it to display various things - a kind of small display box, so to speak, that can be hung or leaned on the wall like a picture frame. Such a box is available from Ikea, among others.The so-called shadowboxFor example, you can fill it with beautiful memories especially for the occasion - photos, movie tickets from a film you watched together, something that you associate with the birth of your child together, souvenirs from your vacation together, and so on.

Simple gift box with little surprises

No matter if you are for the 1st anniversarylooking for a gift, celebrating the 4th anniversary or even having been together for many more years - by now you should have a general idea of ​​what your loved one likes, be it in terms of snacks and drinks, hobbies and certain interests. You can use this knowledge to put together an anniversary gift box for him that contains all of these things.

Of course, some sweets shouldn't be missing. These can do the samebaked myselfbe (all the more loving!). If your husband likes to drink beer, you can also include a beer can in the box. If he likes photography, he can fit accessories, if he likes a particular band a lot, a concert ticket for two is suitable. The vouchers already mentioned for loving gestures and favors can also be chosen to be filled. How about a personalized coffee mug with a shared photo or the coat of arms of your favorite football club, the flag of your favorite holiday country or other motifs? Even beer glasses can be individually engraved and you can also have T-shirts printed.

So as you can see, the selection of small gifts that you can use to fill a homemade gift box is really large. Just take your time, think about your loved one's preferences, and browse the internet for ideas.

The box itself can be made of metal or wood, depending on your partner's preference and style, and then reused. A small retro suitcase is also suitable. But even a simple shoe box can be embellished and used with pretty paper. You can go back to the outside of the lidwrite something nice. The inside can be covered with photos or designed in another way.

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